Lunch Date

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Timber Jade POV

   We make it to the studio on time and Scott asked"Did you get him fixed TJ?"
"I think so Scott so its up to you to keep him that way"

I set my stuff on the couch and get set up to work as the band makes their way into the studio. I am able to clear all the contracts that I have before lunch. Jason walks in and sticks his head in the studio and says,"BG can I borrow Jade for lunch I want to pick her brain for a surprise for Britt"

"Sure man thats fine it will do her good to get out from here for a while, just have her back by 5 cause we have plans for dinner and dancing"

Jay and I go to his truck and he asks me "what is going on?"

"I need to be tested for all diseases Jay cause when Coulter beat me he raped me over and over again and he didnt wrap. I realized it this morning in the shower and before I can do anything else and move on I have to have the tests run."

"Shit Jade why didn't you tell someone before now?"

"Cause it came back to me in the shower this morning when I was thinking about Brantley and I know that if I want to try to tell him how I feel, I have to know this before I can even think about moving forward with my life."

"Okay sis let's get you to the doctor but I have to ask could you be pregnant?"

"No I am on the pill but I would never have sex without him wrapping. It just didn't feel right."

   We arrive at the doctor and I sign in and they take me right back so no one sees us. The doctor comes in and I explain what I need and he asks Jason to step out so he can examine me. After He finishes and the nurse draws blood, he allows Jason to come back in and explains to me.

"there has been significant damage Timber and I want you to know that if you survived that you can survive anything that you will ever face again. Now let me go get the results of your tests."

I look at Jay and I feel the tears falling and the doctor comes back in and says," I have some good news for you ,  your test results are clean. you do not have anything from your rape."

I smile through the tears and the doctor asks me,"how have you been making it cause with the damage you sustained you should be in severe pain"

"my friend that helped me that night is a nurse and she gave me some pain pills and I have been taking them."

"Well let me get you a prescription for some more, and I will tell you that it wouldn't be wise to have sexual intercourse for at least another week."

"thank you for this doctor I really appreciate it"

  Jay and I leave and we head to the restaurant and he looks at me and said,"what the hell were you thinking Timber Jade taking pain pills and mixing alcohol? You know what that shit did to BG and he is gonna flip his shit when he finds out"

"Well he wont know if you dont tell him Jay"

"Oh I am not gonna tell him you are, cause you know you have to if you ever want this to work. Just like you need to tell​ him about today. I will be there if you want me to but I think you need to tell him just you two"

"I know lets get this over with"

WE head back to the studio and Jay gets a call and said,"almost there and shit no that isn't a good thing"


   Jade is gone to lunch with Jason so I tell the band we need to work on this new song that i wrote about her. We are finishing it up when Scott gets a text to turn on the news, and there on the national news is pictures of Jade and I at FGL HOUSE and coming in the studios and the hotel and the kicker is the one taken at Jason's house and it is the most condemning of all. It is of her patting my package when she was trying to get me in the pool. The news flashes to pictures of Coulter's funeral and they bring up the shooting and speculated that I killed him to get Jade and that she planned the whole thing claiming abuse that never happened.

I turn and kick the chair cause I can't punch anything and get Jay on the phone and tell him a little that is going on, he tells me that they are almost here. I will make them all pay for hurting Jade cause this is going to kill her.

She comes in the studio with Jay and i see that she has been crying.

"Jade I am so sorry..."
She turns to Jason and looks and I finish, ...."I don't know how they got the pictures but  promise to make them pay"
   It is then that she sees the TV and starts listening and watching and she laughs, "nothing but small town gossip, I have the pictures, the restraining order and after today the doctors report. So lets see how his family feels when they find out just what all he did to me that has caused me to have to take pain pills around the clock ever since that night. Let them read the report and see what damage he has done to my body that I can't have sex for at least another week if then. So no B I don't give a damn what they say as long as I still have you in my life!"

"Jade you have been drinking and taking pain pills together why? What doctor? And baby you should know if you want me you got me"

"Yeah I remembered this morning as I was in the shower it came back to me just what all he did to me. And I needed pain pills to be able to function cause he raped me in every orifice I have and the pain is unbearable, and remembering he didn't wrap and that I couldn't move forward until I knew if he had infected me with some disease. I asked Jay to help me find a doctor that would be discreet. "

"Darlin I would have went with you. Come here baby, I promise you that we will get through this together. Me and you against the world" and with those words I pulled her to me and held her as she cries. Everyone gave us the room to be alone.

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