The Journey

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Jade POV

I am sitting in the bed watching Brantley hold GG as our Miss Tinsley has named her, when the door to our room flies open and Caroline comes storming in with blonde hair flying behind her."Give me that baby BG before I shoot your buddy"
"Caroline, what in tarnation are you coming in here slamming doors about? What if Jade or GG had been asleep, you would have woken them up."BG tells her as he hands GG to Caroline.
"Hey there sweetheart, I am your Aunt Carol and you will love me the best cause I will teach you all my tricks"
"Caroline" I growl "you best get to answering B's question.What has Luke done now?"
" I will tell you exactly what that dumbass did, he answered the phone last night when Jase called to tell us that you had gone into labor running from the law. Really Jade could you not have done that next week when I was with you?"
"Caroline, I thought you would have wanted to know and I was not running from the law."
"Oh I wanted to know just not in the middle of sex, he stopped because it was Jase and it might be important."Caroline huffs as the door opens and Luke walks in smiling.
BG looks at Luke,"Dude, thats just complete fucking bullshit. Man let me tell you, if I am seeing to my wife's needs, don't expect me to answer or acknowledge in any way, shape or form. 100% of my focus and attention is on her. That was a bitch move brother no wonder she wants to shoot you. I might lend her my gun to do it."
Luke looks at everyone,"Caroline I cannot believe you told them, is not anything sacred?"
I laughs,"No not really you should know that by now Luke, hell she came banging on the damn door when we wouldn't answer the phone"
Caroline smiles,"Got you this precious bundle of pink didn't it?"
Luke leans over and kisses Jade on the cheek, "You did good sweetheart" he says nodding to GG,"So tell me the dumbass over there got you something shiny for all your hard work. He does know he was supposed to buy a push present right?"

Laughing I hold up my right hand and show them the sapphire and diamond ring that BG had given me last night

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Laughing I hold up my right hand and show them the sapphire and diamond ring that BG had given me last night. Caroline hands GG to Luke and grabs my hand" Woman that rock rivals your engagement ring, but I think there is more than that cause you have that I have a secret look. "
"Maybe I do" I say with a wink at B.
He laughs," Oh yeah there is more, Lil Mama got some new shoes, some sparkly red new Jimmy Choos cause I saw them and all I could picture was how her legs would look in them or better yet just wearing them"

He laughs," Oh yeah there is more, Lil Mama got some new shoes, some sparkly red new Jimmy Choos cause I saw them and all I could picture was how her legs would look in them or better yet just wearing them"

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"BG you know there is no sex until she has her checkup in 6 weeks" Caroline tells him.
"Oh I know but Big Daddy will be ready when she gets the green light" he pops back to her.
Luke covers GG's ears" Shhhh there is a baby present yall shouldn't be talking about S-E-X in front of her.'"
"apparently we shouldn't be talking about it in front of you either" CAroline snaps back
"Woman I made up for it, 10 damn times. Don't let her fool yall. She got the D all damn night. That is why we are just now rolling into town" Luke responds.
Ben and Kolby come in pushing and shoving fighting over who is gonna hold GG first when they are stopped dead in their tracks by Caroline's growl.
"Lord my word, woman how do you even have a voice left. You sure did a lot of screaming last night" Luke says earning a pat on the back from B.
"Well apparently since I still do that means you don't deserve a sandwich" she says while laughing and winking at me.
"That's it woman " Luke growls scooping her up "I have 2 hours before I have to fly to LA. You are in for it"
As they run out the door Kolby looks at it in awe and says,"They are totally gonna go get it on in a supply closet just like on Grey's Anatomy"
I laugh,"sounds like something someone I know would do"
B looks at me and says,"you damn right I would woman and as soon as you get the green light we are gonna put those Jimmy Choo's to the test."
Winking sleepily ,"Can't wait Big Daddy" when I say that B walks over and picks me up pulling me onto his chest kissing my hair and tells me,"get some rest Darlin"
Yawning I snuggle in closer ,"okay but don't let those two corrupt my sweet baby girl while I sleep"
Ben covers GG's ears glaring at me,"We would never. Its you two potty mouths that worry me. Her first word is either gonna be shit or fuck all because of you"
Kolby chimes in shaking his head, "Already talking about sex and cussing in front of her, Mama is gonna have to get out the soap again"
B says sleepily,"Bet you two a hundred bucks you two slip in front of Mama before we do."
"You're on cause everyone knows that you two have the worst potty mouths ever, hell you pretty much fund everything Tinsley wants with her swear jar"
"The hell we fucking do" we both growl
"I rest my case " Ben says smirking snuggling GG closer and whispering to her.
Mama walks in and Ben and Kolby both groan,"we never get any time with her because you hog her Mama."
"Boys get on out of here. They need sleep because it was a long night and if I had my guess they have had company since early this morning. And you two cannot be left in charge of my granddaughter while they sleep. Go on now" she says taking GG sitting in the rocker.
B and I both mumble "thanks Mama"

Third person POV

Mama Becky smiles down at Gracelyn Faith when she sees that they have drifted off to sleep.
"Promise Mamaw one thing my sweet angel baby, you won't be as stubborn as your Mama and Daddy when you grow up that you will always listen to me and be the sweet little angel I know you are gonna be. I swear I thought I would never see them realize they were meant to be together. They have had a long hard road both of them but through everything they always had each other. Your daddy he was a handful but he turned out to be a good man and your Mama well she has been his princess since she stumbled onto his land.
And you my sweet angel, are the answer to so many prayers. God gave us a miracle in you and I love your name even if those two stubborn people you call parents refused to tell me until I met you. Gracelyn Faith , you are your parents saving grace and it was their faith in God believing that you would be here one day. Mamaw loves you so much sweetheart. " She kisses GG. Looks over to the bed where Brantley has Jade wrapped up with her sound asleep fingers entwined. She smiles thinking Finally, they both have the life that she prayed for both of them to have. She knew that they were each others half and together made each other whole. Looking down at the sleeping angel in her arms thinking she made it all the more complete.

Authors note: This is the end of BG and Jades journey. I hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I have in writing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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