Rise and Shine

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Brantley's POV

I wake up and watch the morning sun come in and shine across Jade's hair that is spread out all over my chest. She moves and I pull her closer to my body wrapping her up in my arms and I drift back to sleep.
"Brantley we have to get up, now let go of me or we are gonna be late. We both have to shower and you know it takes you longer right now." Jade sasses at me.

"Ten more minutes" I mumble

"No now get your ass out of bed so we can get your dressing changed after you shower."

"I have an idea why don't we just shower together and save us both time"

"In your dreams Outlaw now get up"

I mumble"if you only knew"

"What did you say?"

" I said cool your jets woman I am getting up "

I have major morning wood because she was moving and squirming around before I let her up and normally I would wait but I think I will just test out a theory to see if I affect her like she affects me. Or is this just a one sided attraction.
I get up and walk to the bathroom in just my underwear and turn the shower on and I see in the bathroom mirror that she is still staring at me and there is a spark in her eyes. Maybe everyone is right, maybe she does have feelings for me more than just friends.
  I get the shower started and start taking off the damn sling that I have to wear and take off the bandage and as I am looking at the wound in the mirror Jade walks in and says," It's looking good. How does it feel ?"
  I move it around and I tell her that the stitches pull and it's sore but it's a lot better than I thought it would be.
    As I head to get in the shower I pull my boxers off and I catch Jade looking and she turns pink. I just get in without saying anything. I hear the shower door open and I look over my shoulder and Jade said," step back and let me wash your back cause I know you still can't get it good."
  I smirk,"Darlin if you wanted a show all you got to do is ask"
   Jade sputters around and pops me on the ass with the washcloth and says,"quit being an ass B"
    "Well if you don't want the full show Timber Jade I suggest you step out cause in about 5 seconds I'm turning around and getting out"
  She throws the washcloth at me and runs out of the bedroom and I can't do anything but laugh.  I walk out in my towel and tell her,"okay nurse Jade patch me up, hey we need to get you one of those little nurse outfits"
She slaps the back of my head and said," yeah you are better you are back to your annoying self"
She fixes my shoulder and as I stand up to go get dressed the towel slips off and Jade stands there looking at me and I instantly get hard with her eyes on me. She yelps and runs to the bathroom slamming the door. I shake my head as I laugh and get dressed, this is gonna be fun. 

Timber Jade POV

     I run to the bathroom and shut the door cause for the first time I have seen Brantley completely naked. OMG! That man is hiding so much under his clothes. Hell I ain't never seen a dick that big and he wasn't fully erect. How in the hell do you have that man and his dick and cheat  on him?! 
  I had to get out of that room before I jumped him. Does he see me as a woman cause I know when his towel dropped and I was looking him over he got hard but was that a reaction to me or just a common reaction to any woman.  I don't have time for this I have to get a shower and get ready. I yell at B,"order is breakfast and that will save us some time. I sure as hell don't want to be late after yesterday. Scott will have both our asses."
   "You got it darling and I know what you mean."
     I get in the shower and all I can think about is Brantley and how it would feel to be with him. The last time I was with Coulter, the memories start rushing back of that day how he beat me and wait holy hell ...he raped me over and over and didn't wrap. I'm gonna be sick , I dart to the commode and lose what little was in my stomach. I can't be with Brantley cause I can't give him a disease and I don't know cause I never went to the doctor. My phone is on the counter so I text Jason.

Hey I need a doctors appointment today can you set one up with someone who will be very discreet?

J: Yeah I can what's wrong

I need some tests run and I don't want anyone to know you can tell Britt but please don't say anything to BG . Can you come by the studio and pick me up for lunch and that be our cover?

J: I can do that but you are starting to scare me by not telling BG

Will explain when you pick me up Jay see you for lunch

J: okay see you for lunch

Now that that is taken care of I finish getting ready and walk out to see BG all dressed in his track pants, tank top and Nikes.
  "Where is your sling "
"I ain't wearing it"
  "Yes you are at least for a few more days I knew when he said 2 weeks we were in trouble cause if there is a law or rule you think you have to break it"
  He just laughed and we moved to the living area and ate breakfast and headed to the studio. I didn't eat a lot and B noticed and I told him there was just too much to eat. He nodded and off we went to work. Now to make it to lunchtime...

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