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Jade POV

As we pull up to the hospital there is a nurse waiting with a wheelchair, the whole way the Chief followed us. What he didn't know but was about to find out is the Georgia State Patrol was at the hospital waiting on us. B had called in a few favors after explaining what had happened, they were more than happy to help us out with Barney Fife. B pulls up throwing it in park and jumps out running around to open my door lifting me out of the truck placing me gently into the wheelchair and looks at Steve a friend from school who was waiting in uniform to deal with Barney, "park my truck please."
Barney gets out and goes to yelling when the State Patrol inform him he is being relieved of his duties to turn in his gun with them and leave the premises. He stops and looks at B and said ,"who did you pay off ?"
B stopped walking turns around and walks to stand in front of the man,"I didn't have to pay anyone. You did this to yourself when you decided to put your hands on my pregnant wife and pull her out of my truck. She was in labor with our miracle child. I have audio and video proof. I take her safety important so anything I own has audio and video recording capabilities. I gave the call to the company and they sent it to the proper authority. Maybe you should have just done your job, wrote her a damn ticket for speeding and you wouldnt be an unemployed cop. So put that in your damn hat and smoke it Barney."
B turns around looks at me and says,"lets go meet our baby girl Lil Mama"
The nurse takes us up to the labor room and gets me hooked up to the fetal monitors to see if I am contracting . B is pacing the room turning on the TV and he looks at me,"Shit I need to call Mama"
"Yes and everyone else too" I tell him.
The nurse starts my I V and tells me that she called the doctor and would be here shortly. I nod and grit my teeth groaning as I feel what I can only describe as a vice gripping my stomach and squeezing.
B turns around and goes pale wavering looks at the nurse and yells,"do something help her cause I am sure its not supposed to sound like that"
After it passes I laugh,"babe you realize I will be screaming before this is over and wanting to do you bodily harm and cutting your dick off"
His eyes widen,"I thought you were gonna get an epidural "
"I am but it still happens B"
There is a knock at the door and its the doctor. After the exam he turns to the nurse," call for her epidural she is at 6 and as fast as she is progressing , I only hope we have time"
B growls,"you better have time,she ain't supposed to feel it"
The doctor smiles and pats my leg, "you are doing good Mrs Gilbert"
Mama,Kolby,Eli, Ash, and the kids come in and give us hugs. Tinsley said,"Aunt TJ how are you gonna get our girl out are you gonna throw her up"
Everyone laughs and I look to Ash, Mama says,"Tinsley don't you worry about that the doctor is gonna take care of that part. You and I are gonna take care of loving and playing dress up with our baby girl. And are yall gonna tell us the name now?"
B and I look at each other,"No you will find out her name when we introduce you to each other for the first time."
They come in to do my epidural and everyone leaves. B is right by my side holding me and telling me I am doing good. I can still feel the contractions but I am not having to grit my teeth now.
B looks at me and says,"Jade you scared me today, I saw you fall on the video and all I could think about was losing you and our baby girl. I can't lose you . I love you princess and I am so glad you gave me another chance even though I didn't deserve it. I hope our little one is just like you "
He wipes the tears from my eyes and I kiss him, "I love you and I can't imagine my life without you. I knew you would come. You have always been my hero."
There is a knock on the door and Jason Brittany and Memphis come in. They come over with hugs and Jase whispers,"only you would go into labor and run from a cop"
I hit his arm and glare and he laughs,"seriously are you okay?"
"I am doing good, drugs in no pain right now" I tell him. They hug me again and leave to go to the waiting room with everyone else. B and I decided we only wants us in the room. This way we get to enjoy and bond as a family before we share our baby girl.
As we sit talking, I feel the urge to push and we call the nurse. The doctor comes in and asks if we were ready because it was time to push.
After 4 hours of pushing I am tired and I growl at B ,"if you tell me to push one more damn time I am going to cut your dick off and make you eat it Brantley Keith"
He laughs and looks at the nurse,"this is what you were trying to explain to me"
Growling I feel the urge to push again and B lifts me up and gets behind me so I can have support and he is encouraging me and telling me I got this and I scream out and I hear the most wonderful sound of a baby crying. I look at B and he has tears flowing down his face as the doctor places our miracle baby on my stomach and says,"Daddy you want the honor of cutting the cord?"
B moves down and cuts the cord. They whisk her away to weigh her and quickly bring her back to us. As they place her in my arms I whisper "hello there baby girl I am your Mama"and she opens her eyes and it is like looking into the eyes of the man holding us both.

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