Shots fired

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Brantley POV

I am cleaning up the blood while Jade is sweeping up the glass and hanging her pictures back up. It makes me see red to see her blood spilled all over the floor. I realized when I walked through the door I didn't beat Coulter near enough last night. As I am mopping the blood up I hear the click of a hammer being pulled back and I turn around to see Coulter standing in the doorway. He's standing there smirking and I just want to kill him with my bare hands. He goes to screaming at me and that is when Jade comes in the room. I'm trying to keep calm and figure out a way to get him distracted so I can pull my gun. Jade starts talking to him and then he turns and yells at me and I yell back. Jade tells him he's right that she needs him and he turns to her and tells her that it was too late that one of us was gonna leave in a body bag and in that moment I pull my gun and fire at the exact time Coulter pulls the trigger.
I feel a burning in my shoulder as I watch Coulter crumple to the floor. Timber Jade screams and turns to look at me. She makes her way to me as I grab my phone and call 911 and report a shooting. I pull her into my arms and kiss her hair making sure she is okay, before I slide to the floor. She grabs towels trying to stop the flow of blood coming from my shoulder. We hear the sirens and Sheriff Jackson coming in, I put my gun down on the floor and hold her with my good arm because I don't want her to see Coulter lying on the floor dead. The paramedics come in after the scene is secured and they tell me I have to take a ride in the ambulance. I nod my head and get up pulling Timber with me keeping her head in my chest until we make it outside.

The sheriff is waiting to take my statement while the deputy takes Timber Jades statement. He tells me that it will be up to the DA whether charges are filed or not. I nod my head and tell Timber Jade to call Kolby and my momma. The ride in the ambulance is okay and as soon as I get to the hospital they are taking me into surgery to get the bullet out of my shoulder.

As they start to take me to surgery Timber Jade runs in and is crying. I make them stop and pull her to me and I tell her,"I'm one tough sumbitch and a little bullet ain't gonna stop me. So dry those tears up and give me a smile so I can get some good sleep thinking of your angel face."
   Timber Jade smiles and leans down and kisses me on the cheek and whispers," promise me that you are coming back to me B"
  I smile and kiss her forehead and whisper," I promise princess"
   They roll me into surgery and as they put the mask on my face I smile cause I am picturing those blue eyes of my princess and her beautiful smile.

   I hear people talking but I can't make it out and I'm trying to open my eyes but it is like they are so heavy and I just let the darkness over take me.

    I hear momma talking and Kolby and I'm trying to open my eyes when I feel a light touch on my hand and I squeeze it. Then I hear the voice of my princess," Come on sleepyhead time to wake up. You need to open those eyes of yours so I can see what color they are today besides I think you need to see how cute you look in a gown"
Kolby laughs and said," oh yeah brother all kinds of sexy for sure"
   "At least I can pull it off being a man like me" I say and I look and see those beautiful blue eyes of my princess and my momma starts crying and Kolby tells me "welcome back bro"
I try to clear my throat and Jade gets me some water and I say," how long was I out for and what is the damage done"
  Momma tells me," you have been out for 14 hours you gave us all quite a scare but expected to make a full recovery"
   I look at Jade and ask," any news" she smiles and said," been ruled self defense and the assault and battery charges have been dropped also, so B as soon as you eat and pee they will let me spring you from this place"
  "Well then give me some food and help me up and I will gladly piss for them"
"Brantley Keith, you do not talk like that with ladies present" momma said.
"Yes ma'am but seriously get me some food."
   Kolby steps out to tell the nurse and she comes in and takes my vital signs and asks if I need any help going to the bathroom and before I can say anything Timber Jade speaks up and says," we can handle it with no problems"
  I raise my eyebrow at her and she give me the 'don't you dare mess with me B'  look and I tell the nurse," we can do it just fine"
Kolby busts out laughing and momma hits him on the arm and tells him to come with her that they were going to get my bag from the car so I can change into clothes.
   After everyone leaves but Jade and me she said," let's get you into the bathroom so you can piss"
I laugh at her saying piss and she helps steady me and pushes my IV pole and as she goes to shut the door she says," cute ass you got there B" and laughs.
   I do my business and wash my hands and call "Jade" she opens the door and helps me back to bed. They bring in a tray and it has jello and broth and Popsicle on it.
"What the hell is this I thought y'all wanted me to eat"
Jade laughs as the nurse explains if I eat this without getting sick I can go home. I shake my head but eat it cause I am ready to get out of this place.
Momma and Kolby come in with my clothes and momma tells me she has to head to work that she would check on me after she got off.
   The doctor comes in and goes over what I can and can't do at home and tells me all should be good in a month which is good cause I go back on tour then. I have to wear a sling for 2 weeks and my left arm and take it easy. He gives me a prescription for antibiotics to prevent infection and one for Lortab. I refuse the one for Lortab because of my past addiction and tell him that. He tells me I am gonna need something for pain and I tell him nothing with opiates. He gives me Toradol but I know I won't take it. It's a battle I have to fight and so I tell Jade to not get it filled. That I would just take Tylenol.

We get to my house and she and Kolby help me out of the truck. Kolby tells me he will check on me later.
  Jade helps me upstairs to my room and helps me take my tshirt off and I am just wearing a pair of sweatpants. She fixes my pillows and goes to stand up and I pull her down with my right arm and say,"go lock everything up and come back up here. I want to hold you so I know that you are okay."
She nods and walks out of the room. When she comes back she pulls off her jeans and slips into bed with me and I pull her close and kiss the top of her head and tell her," get some rest I know you need it more than me"

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