Single for Life

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Timber Jade POV

As I am coming out of the bathroom , Brantley yells " we have just pulled in the stadium parking lot Jade"
He knew I was excited to see Jason and Brittany and Luke and Caroline since we have been on tour the last 3 months and finally would be in the same place more than a night.
I run up front and he looks at me and says"Why are you dressed in your business attire? Has something changed? "

"I have to go meet with the promoter and make sure everything is up to spec and then I am free until your night to sing."

"How long are you gonna be?"

"As long as it takes to make sure that they know I mean business, now give me a kiss and let me do my job"

He pulls me in close and kisses me and smacks my ass when I bend over and pick up my phone off the table. I head to do my thing and Luke and Jason are about to knock as I walk off. I hug them both and tell them "see y'all in a bit"

Brantley POV

Luke and Jason pile on my bus and we get to playing Madden 17 and time passes when Luke asks me," so you still saying single for life or you thinking marriage and babies with Timber Jade?"

"Man I ain't single now, she and I are together in a relationship and you all know she can't get pregnant cause of that mother fucker. I didn't beat his ass enough"

"BG who told you she couldn't get pregnant, cause I was there and that is not what he told her." Jason asks

"Jade did, when we got back together said that was the reason she didn't try and tell me what really happened that day. Jason are you saying she lied to me?"

"Do you remember her exact words BG?" Luke asked

"The doctor told her it would be almost impossible for her to get pregnant without invitro . Not that she couldn't but that her chance was about 1%." Jason said.

I look at them and my mouth has dropped open. They bust out laughing and Luke said,"you been hittin it raw dude"

Jason hit him and said," don't say that crap Luke that's my sister "

I just sit there and let it all sink in when Brittany and Caroline come on the bus asking if Jade had gotten back yet.

Caroline stops,"what the hell is wrong with you BG?"

Luke laughs," He and TJ have been doing the horizontal tango raw cause he ASSUMED that TJ couldn't get pregnant not that it was highly unlikely"

Caroline asked,"Is she pregnant cause I thought we would have heard her screaming on the other side of the world. "

"No she is not pregnant Caroline and are you saying she would be upset to have my baby?"

"No i am saying that she has told me more than once that maybe God knew that she would be a bad mother just like hers and this was his way of making sure that she didn't do to her child what was done to her." Caroline said.

"Well are you gonna wait to ask her to marry you or since y'all have known each other for 7 years are you gonna go caveman and take her to get married first chance you get?" Brittany asked.

"We ain't getting married y'all. He ain't gonna ask and if he did I would say no. " Jade answers as she takes off her shoes and heads to the back.

I stop and just look at her not believing what I just heard come out of her mouth ,"What the hell do you mean you would say no Timber Jade?" I asked.

"Brantley Keith don't you yell at me about this

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"Brantley Keith don't you yell at me about this. You know exactly how I feel or did the year apart make you lose your damn memory, mister my biggest fears are snakes, sharks and commitment?"

"Timber Jade you are not your parents do you hear me? What they did and who they are isn't you. You know exactly my fears and you know I love you hell we have talked about growing old together so explain your ass right now."

"Yeah we have talked about being old together and not once did either one of us mention that word marriage. You know why I can't marry you so just drop it okay"

  "No I won't drop it you don't get to just waltz in here drop that bombshell and tell me to drop it. I said I was scared of commitment not that I didn't believe in it or that I didn't want it with you. You have got to let them go Jade, quit letting them hold you back!!"

" They aren't holding me back but I know my limitations and I'm a realist. I know what will happen when you decide you want to have kids and I can't do no we aren't getting married.
So I am telling you with them as my witness if you have bought some damn ring and think you can ask me and bully me cause we are all together well you best just take the damn thing back." she yelled at me as she went to the back and slammed the door.

I just looked at all of them and asked," y'all heard my girl so no we won't be getting married at least not anytime soon. Not until I can change her mind that she isn't her egg donor and sperm donor. So just drop it for now please?"

Timber Jade POV

I sit down on the bed and take some deep breaths cause I can't believe what they were talking about. Marriage ...B knows how I feel about that scared I am that I will be just like them. I don't want to be but how do we know? Besides I love B and I know he loves me, so what is so wrong with the way we are now? We are both happier than we have ever been and our stupid family can't leave things alone, just cause they are married with kids doesn't mean we have to be.


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