New Year means New Tour

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Timber Jade POV

        The holidays and time off tour together flew by so fast. Brantley is in Nashville rehearsing for the new tour that kicks off tonight.  Normally I would be with him but I had to be at the house while they finished the new part we had added on. Looking at the new house at the farm, I am excited. The builder was able to finish it early and I am supervising the moving of furniture in now and have plans to join B next weekend on tour.  I can't wait because he has Muscadine Bloodline and Corey Smith on tour with him. So it will be a blast I am sure. As I turn to answer the movers, I get a little dizzy so I sit down. Kolby comes in and asks "what can I do to help TJ?"
"Well for starters take those damn muddy boots off. Then go get me some water please"
" Come on TJ its the farm not a mansion"
I glare at him with arms crossed and he does as I asked mumbling"damn bossy woman be glad when she goes on tour and gets out of my hair"
"What was that Kolbs?"
"Nothing TJ"
He brings me the water and the movers have brought in the last pieces and were placing them . I paid them and then sat down on the couch next to Kolby ,"you think B would get mad if I surprised him before his first show? I mean we got it all done and well this will be his first tour kickoff since we are married and I don't want to miss it"
  Kolby laughs," no he won't be mad but how are you going to surprise him?"
   "Well I think I can arrange for the airfare through my consulting business and get a cab to the venue. I have my pass B left it for me when he left for Nashville. Sooo I just need  help to slip in without him knowing and either PJ or Ben can help with that. "
   "Well sis, I guess you need to get packing and I will go clean up so I can drop you off at the airport."

   I go to start packing and I have everything I think I need, just have to make one stop before the airport. I text Ben and PJ and they are up for it. PJ told me to text him when I landed and Ben said he would keep B occupied when I was on the plane. We would be cutting it close but I should have about 15 minutes with him before his show.
   Before I get on the plane I use the restroom and text B a good luck text and tell him I love him. He text back that he would call me after the show and that he loved me too. Its time to board and I am so excited that I get to be there tonight. I can hardly wait to see my husband, you would think it had been months instead of just a week since we were together. I cannot wait to surprise him!!
       I make it quickly through the airport and grab a cab. Once inside the cab I text PJ and Ben and tell them I am on my way. PJ said he would meet me at the gate and Ben is gonna have B on the bus so we can have a few minutes alone.
Just like he promised PJ is waiting with the cart and he smiles,"Boss is gonna be so surprised to see you TJ. His nerves are getting to him a little and you will be the perfect distraction."
"I think I can help y'all out"
"I just bet you can Little Bit , well good luck see you in a few"

    As I get my bag the nerves hit me as I punch in the code and I know just by entering its too quiet. I walk to the back of the bus and B isnt here. I hear the door open and he comes running in and stops and then kisses me and says," I am so glad to see you but I need a quick shower someone spilled beer all over me. He goes to the bathroom and I place the stick on his jeans and go back up front to wait.
The water cuts off and I hear "whoa" and then a thump. I take off to the back hoping he hasn't passed out on me. As I open the door I see B down on the floor legs sprawled , towel slipping off from his waist holding the stick ... speechless. He turns in my direction and I see the tears falling freely down his face which make the ones I have been holding back turn loose.
"Jade" he croaks out . " really , I mean really, really baby?"
       I go to him and he pulls me into his lap and holds me so tight like he is afraid to let go, afraid that I will disappear. I pull back and he kisses me soft and gentle holding my face in his hands.
"Darlin is this what I think it is?" He asks. I can see the hope and doubt in his eyes and the is it real or not.
"I think so , I took it in the bathroom of the airport because I was afraid to do it anywhere else. I didn't want anyone to know that I even had a suspicion until I knew for sure. "
"When ... how... I mean I know but explain please"
"Well B, when we got through moving stuff Kolby came over and I got a little dizzy, I didn't think much at first until I started packing my bag and I realized that I hadn't bought any new tampons since the first of November , I checked my calendar and I guess being so busy with the house and holidays and new tour I didn't think about it. It's February now so I have missed 3 periods. So I bought a test at the airport drugstore and took it. I wanted us to be the first to know."
" I am speechless Jade ... I love you so damn much .... oh baby come here" he pulls me into a hug and the tears continue to fall. I kiss his tears and he does mine but it is something that just won't stop.
" I have a doctors appt Monday morning and I checked your schedule you are free to go with me."
He just nods and hold me tighter all the time his tears are flowing. I look at him and say,"well at least you didn't pass out like I was afraid of when I heard that thunk."
He laughs and continues to cry at the same time," I saw it and looked twice and my knees buckled I couldn't believe what I was seeing. All the prayers that have gone up Jade, all the times we tried and I would pray God let me be able to give her the one thing she wants most in this world and it's finally happening, oh my god we are gonna be parents!!! "
  I can't help but laugh as his eyes get wide as the reality sinks in and he places his hand on my stomach and looks at me.
  He starts to laugh and this is how PJ finds us on the floor laughing and crying at the same time with B in a towel, not dressed for his show.
  "Boss we got to roll ..." P J stops and stares and he takes a fool grin. "I won't say a word but Congratulations now both of you get ready I will tell them to stall" as he leaves.
   I get up and B starts to get dressed as I go to the bathroom and fix my makeup. I don't think you will be able to wipe the smile off his face. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me placing his hands on my belly,"princess I love you"
I smile and meet his gaze in the mirror , " I love you ,daddy"
   He smiles and the tears fall freely again, I can tell this little one is gonna make this rough tough biker badass nothing but a softie"
   The emotions on his face are something I will never forget. My greatest blessings are right here within my arms.

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