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I watch as Jade struggles and is so tired. She has been pushing for 4 hours now. She is worn out but still has the ability to put me in my place. As I get behind her to help support her she lets out this wail and it scare me but then it is like the whole room fell silent, and in that moment I hear a baby cry. The tears just begin to fall as I look at my beautiful warrior wife and she has tears running down her face. I watch as they place our baby girl on Jade and the doctor asks me if I want to cut her cord. I do that and they take her away to weigh and measure her. Jade is laid back eyes closed, and I am in awe of my wife. She has just given me a miracle,Jade is a miracle. All the love I have for her has just been magnified a hundred fold. The nurse brings our baby girl and places her in Jade's arms, they are both so beautiful that it takes my breath. Jade whispers," I am your Mama and her eyes opened and it was like looking in the mirror. Our baby girl had Jade's features with my eyes. I am holding them both when Jade shifts and places her in my arms and my breath stops. I look into my mirror eyes and in this moment I know that I will do everything in my power to make sure this baby girl has a daddy she is proud of and she will know that I will move heaven and earth to show her how much she is loved.
I feel Jade's hand on my face and she is wiping the tears away . I whisper," this is real right princess?"
She smiles,"yeah B it's real our baby girl is here. Perfect as can be"
I kiss her forehead and tell her ," you are a warrior and I am so proud of you Lil Mama"
Everyone is moving around cleaning up but Jade and I are so caught up in checking all ten fingers and toes and just holding our miracle. I whisper a thank you prayer to God for this blessing he has given us.
The nurses come to help Jade to the bathroom to help her clean up before we let all the family in. We decided that we wanted to take this time to be together as a family. I sent a text that baby had arrived and both were doing well and would be out in a little while to get them.
   Jade comes back with her hair braided on the side and I see that she is exhausted but she has a glow. She is so beautiful. As she gets settled in bed and I hand her our baby girl she looks at me and says," Go get the family"
   I walk out to the private waiting room and I stand in the doorway taking in the amount of people here. Mama and Kolby, Pop, the band, Jason, Britt and Memphis, Justin and his family, BK and Britt, Tyler and Hayley, Thomas and Lauren. Ashely and Eli with Cam and Tinsley. I smile this is our family minus  Luke and Caroline and their crew. They were here to celebrate with us, be happy for us. This was the people who had held us up in their prayers through this whole journey. I clear my throat and they all look up. I can't help but smile when Mama comes over and hugs me. "If y'all want to come on back now you can. "
They all get up and follow me and I walk in and stand next to Jade at the head of the bed and I turn to everyone and say," Jade and I would like to introduce you to Gracelynn Faith Gilbert who is perfect in every way. She was born at 10:27pm weighs 6pounds 5 ounces and is 20 inches long. We decided on her name because the road to bring her to us was by God's design and she is our saving grace and we had faith and so did you all that us having a family would happen. " I tear up as I look at all their faces and I feel Jade's hand squeeze mine. 
   Ben jumps in and said ," time for baby snuggles, give her here" Tinsley starts to cry and I ask her ,"what's wrong "
"My pwince wants GG instead of me" she says with tears rolling down her face. Eli flares at Ben, who drops to his knees and scoops Tinsley up in his arm,"Beautiful princess you will be mine always. The baby doesn't change that I just like holding little babies cause they are cute, but you will always be my number one girl" Tinsley smiles and looks to Jade,"Aunt TJ gives us GG we need baby snuggles" Mama clears her throat and said," I will be holding my granddaughter first and the rest of you will have to wait your turn"
  Mama walks over and Jade hands Gracelynn to Mama and the tears fall. My Mama has this look on her face and I pull her close and she whispers ,"she's beautiful son " at that moment Mama looks down and Gracelynn has opened her eyes and the look on Mama's face is one that I saw on Jade's face earlier. "Hi I am your grandma Gracelynn Faith and I have prayed so hard for you sweetheart. I love you so much!"
   In these moments I know that where I am in my life is exactly where I am supposed to be.

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