Lunch and Muddin

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Brantley POV

I walk into Mama's house and Jade is in the kitchen setting the table. She looks so beautiful in her cut offs and one of my old Hey Trouble What's Up black tanktops. We stand there staring at each other until it is broken by Tinsley running in the house yelling,
"TJ, TJ I rides with you today in you's okay, now Uncle B I needs to talks to you about yesterday. You's gots to pologize to yours Jade cause you forgots to call her Jade."
"Tinsley its okay I told you at church it was okay" Jade told her.

"No TJ Mama always tells me I have to pologize besides Uncle B Mama said you's was just being stubborn and you's tell me I can't be stubborn when it hurts someone pologize rights now so we can eats and ride." Tinsley tells us as she looks from Jade to me.

"Princess I love you but right now is not the time to talk about this okay. This is grown up stuff and its gonna be okay I promise you and you know that I don't break my promises"

Jade mumbles," yeah right since when"

I look at Jade and just as I am about to say something Mama calls us to the table for lunch. We all take our seats and thank goodness Cam sat in the seat in between Jade and I . Everyone was talking and I was half way paying attention when Tinsley said," You promised me Uncle B and you don't break them right"
I agreed and the whole table laughed so I know I missed something and looked at them and Eli said," You just got conned by that little shedevil I call my daughter to a tea party in her new playhouse"
I laugh and say," she's a princess and I will gladly have a tea party with her"
Cam asks " are we all done eating now?"
Jade tells him," let us help Mama Becky clean up and then we can go mud up your new ride. Do you remember how to rooster tail like I taught you?"
"Yes ma'am I do but I just want to get dirty today" Cam told her.

I load up in my truck with my 4 wheeler and head to Eli's to help set things up. As I pull my 4 wheeler off the truck , Jade pulls in and as soon as she parks Tinsley comes running out dressed just like Jade down to her red hunter boots. I scoop Tinsley up while Kade unloads her side by side and hands Tinsley a helmet. Tinsley pouts and said ," you's not wearing one"
Jade tells her," My brain is grown yours is not so we aren't gonna take any chances with you. If you don't wear the helmet then you can't ride Tinsley"
  " I will do it but I don't like it" Tinsley replies.

I laugh and she puts her hands on my face and said," You are in my doghouse Uncle B so no laughing"
"What doe you know about being in a doghouse  princess?"
  "Well I know you are in the doghouse with Mamaw Becky cause you's and Jades are being stubborn and won't fix it now what it is I don't know all I know is you mister have hurts my TJ and so that means you in my doghouse but really how's you gonna fit? Cause you so big?"
   Jade is laughing and I just roll my eyes and sit her down cause I don't know what else to do.
   We all get on our rides and head to Eli's small mud pit he made for the kids. Cam is about to go through it for the first time and I see Jade park hers and take her phone out to record Cam. He's a natural on a 4 wheeler. He makes it through and rooster tails spraying Eli and Ashley. I go next and rooster tail him and he laughs. I know Jade is coming but because she has Tinsley she won't do anything but ride through so I just park on the edge so I can get Tinsley so Jade will be able to get dirty without getting Tinsley dirty.
As they come to the end Jade turns and slings mud on all of us and Tinsley laughs even though it gets on her. God I love seeing Tinsley and Jade makes me wonder if we would have been gonna have a baby if that day had never happened. Then I get mad cause I realize I stil love Jade, which is all kinds of fucked up. She's been on tour with Kip and I know they may not have fucked a year ago but I just bet they have over this past year on tour. I crank up and tear off through the mud spraying Jade and laugh.
  We stop for a while and Cam asks," does this mean that you two are back together?"
  "Cam no we aren't anything and won't be anything so just leave it" I tell him.
   Jade replies," yeah cause the almighty BG has declared something, some things never change"
   Before I can stop it I say," that's right once you fuck someone it's so easy to go backeven when you have someone. So are you knocked up is that why you came home?"
  Jade looks at me like I have slapped her. Ashleigh grabs Tinsley and as soon as she is out Jade takes off leaving.
I yell after her," that's it run on home since you are so good at that"
   She turns her side by side around comes back and stands in front of me and said," well since we are talking about what we always do, how about you breaking promises? Huh you and me against the world what a laugh Gilbert? You haven't ever kept that damn promise!!"
  " at least I haven't fucked my way through Nashville and come home knocked up"
And before I know it Jade has closed her fist and popped me in my nose breaking it.
"Fuck! That hurts Jade"
I look at her and I see the tears making a trail down her muddy face and she turns and leaves.
  Eli said," if she hadn't done that I was gonna, I think it's time to get home."
And with that my best friend since elementary school turns his back on me and takes his family and heads to the house.
  I am lost and don't know what the hell is going on but I am bound and determined to find out even if it kills me.

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