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Timber Jade POV

   We are about 3 weeks into the new tour and Brantley is driving me crazy. He has PJ birddogging my every step, hell I can't even go pee without him standing outside the door. Right now I am on my way back to the bus cause I just had a bad case of morning sickness and had to leave the interview B was doing. PJ was gone to get me a 7up and crackers while I make my way to the bus. 
   My phone has been buzzing and I finally can take time to look at it , oh shit I have to get to Nashville I have a problem with a client. I grab my bag and start packing what I am gonna need.
   B walks in and I look over my shoulder and then continue to pack," I need you to take me to the airport before your VIP okay baby?"
   "Jade is something wrong with the baby or you?"
   " no I just need to get to Nashville I have a problem with a client I need to handle in person. Don't growl at me."

"Fuck no Timber Jade I won't take you to the airport cause your ass  ain't going to the airport. Tell someone else to handle this problem cause it seems to me that you are forgetting something like you are pregnant. So just text, email or call whoever you have to and tell them to handle it." he says crossing his arms and glaring .

" That's fine, I will just call a cab . They wouldn't have called me unless they needed me. You know this B. We have talked about this. What are you insinuating that I forgot? Oh you mean the pregnancy ?? Hell no I haven't forgotten it cause I just spent the last 30 minutes puking my guts out because of it. But I am not a damn invalid and it time you and everyone else realize that!!! I am a grown woman and it is time you and everyone else realize that, so don't take that tone with me or you will be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of our lives."

Stalks over to her and turns her around, " I said you weren't going Timber Jade this isn't up for discussion! You have been throwing up and can barely stand right now much less fly across the damn country to fix something that someone else can fix."

PJ walks in with the 7up and crackers, ummmm....I walk over and grab them and tell him Thanks, he hauls ass out of the bus.

Brantley crosses his arms and clocks that damn eyebrow. ..see?
Growling I open the 7up and sip on it ."Its my business! My reputation at stake!"

"And you are my wife carrying our baby that is a miracle and yeah you are fine here but as soon as you are out of my sight you will go into work mode, not eating right and forget to take care of yourself and you are my business and so is our baby!!!! Or are you forgetting that?!"

Picking up the first thing I can get my hand on i toss a shoe at him hitting him in the chest,"I am not forgetting that Brantley Keith!! Shaking my finger at him. But you can't keep me locked up on this tour bus or at the house forever B ! Want to send a baby sitter with me ? Will that make you feel better?!"

"No the Fuck it won't!!! I want to keep you in my sight, within my reach all the damn time!! I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to either one of you , not to mention we still haven't went public with the fact that you are pregnant!!"

I pick up my phone,"well let me just settle that right now and I will make it very public, " I snarl . B grabs my phone out of my hands,"not like that princess. This is something we are supposed to do together."

"I know, crossing my arms over my baby bump and glaring at him.I don't like you very much right now B. I've never liked it when you were right."

"Baby come here" he says as he pulls me to him wrapping me into his arms, "I love you Jade and I really don't want you going any where until we at least go public with the news And if you have to go anywhere then as you put it , yes you will have a damn babysitter"

"Better be hiring me one", I growl leaning back against his chest ,"cause PJ is already afraid of me and the hormones are only gonna get worse. "I turn my head and grin,"we could always wear our shirts on stage"
"Woman, I don't need thousands of women getting their daddy fix BC I'm wearing a T-shirt that says #daddyaf.  I bat my eyes,"but baby..."
Growls,"no woman I won't wear that shirt onstage but I will wear it for you at home..."
  I slide my finger down his chest ,"now baby why would I need you to wear anything at home..."

Grabbing my ass he growls"woman you are playing dirty but if you insist on going you have to take PJ with you, no way out of it"

"The problem with that B, I can't think of anything to bribe him with. You saw how fast he hauled ass." I jump as my phone vibrates and I read it growling "apparently it was something they could handle , I mean it, I'm gonna shoot someone" I say trying to get up "got me all worked up "  he tightens his arms around me and kisses my neck," I know how to fix that baby"

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