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Timber Jade POV

   I leave Brantley a note telling him thanks and that I would see him at dusk, to turn my lights on. I make my way through the trail and I remember the first time I found it. It wasn't to long after I moved into my house that I found the trail from my house to Brantley's. I was wandering in the woods, checking things out and I stumbled across it, so I followed it to see where it went. I'm not sure who was more surprised me or Brantley. I came out on the other end to find Brantley Gilbert standing in front of me with his shirt off pointing his pistol at me. I had just turned 20 and he was 26 and had just hit country music. I was a fan of his from the club days even if I wasn't legal yet, so I fangirled for about 10 seconds after I got over the scare. He laughed and introduced himself and asked me how I ended up on his property. I told him about moving into my house next door and had followed the trail. He wanted to see and we walked back to my house and on the way back we talked and found out that we had a lot of things in common.  That was six years ago and we have been through a lot of shit since then. Over the years we made the trail wide enough for a 4 wheeler ,then a razor. Brantley also had lights installed since I had ended up at his house more than once late at night. He told me,"Jade I have to make sure you are safe when you are walking the trail at night." Come to think of it, he installed them after Coulter and I got serious.

   Brantley is my family since the reason I have my house is that it was left to me by my grandparents, they were killed in a car accident. I lived with them a few miles away growing up. My parents were always over seas with their work. I don't even know why they had a child, because they never took any time with me. So when my grandparents passed away, and I was left with a house no one but their lawyer knew anything about it was a surprise. The reason I was able to keep it is that they put it in my name otherwise my parents would have sold it for the money, like they did the house my mom grew up in. They had my house remodeled and it was mine, not that big 3 bedrooms 2baths but I loved it. My favorite feature was the wrap around porch and porch swings,cause there isn't anything more beautiful than watching a summer rain  from the porch swing.

   I know Coulter is gonna be mad that I didn't come home with him and that I stayed with Brantley but at his point I don't care. Brantley was right, I need to figure this out and what I am going to do. I take a deep breath  before opening the back door. Coulter is sitting at the table drinking a beer and I can tell he is pissed off, but it hits me, I don't care. I am done being his doormat. I look at him and say,"I know you are mad but so am I Coulter. I am done being treated like I am only here for you when you want to grace me with your presence. I loved you but I can't make this work when you are never here. So I want you to pack your stuff that you have here and leave. I am done wasting my life and I have cried my last tears over you."

   Coulter stood up and said," I don't know what shit BG has told you but you don't get to tell me that we are done. We are done when I say we are done. Now get your ass upstairs and wash his scent off of you"

I stand in the kitchen and said"This is my house not yours and I am going upstairs to change clothes and I expect you and your shit gone by dark. Call your boys to help you since that is who has been most important to you for the past 6 months"

  "Timber Jade you can't do this I pay the bills so this is my home." He steps toward me as he says this and I tell him" I own this house and you haven't paid a penny on any bills. You haven't given me any money you have been to busy hanging with the boys and spending time with some slut"

  He said"bitch this ain't over you are mine until I say you aren't"  and then I never saw it coming... he hit me and it dazed me. I tried to fight back but the blows kept coming until I finally gave into the blackness and let it surround me.

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