Doctor Visit

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Brantley POV

We flew out last night to Atlanta after my concert. The plan is go to the doctors visit and meet back up with the guys in Ohio tonight. The excuse we gave them was I needed to sign papers about the farm in Alabama. Jade and I are in the waiting room of the doctors office now. She keeps wringing her hands and biting her lip. I feel so out of place and I really wish I could go smoke. Jade takes my hand and squeezes and I look at her and smile.
They call her name and we walk back to the station and they get her blood pressure and pulse and tell her to step on the scales and she tells me," turn around there are some things a woman doesn't want anyone else to know and their weight is one of them."
I just roll my eyes at her but do as she asks cause I know she is stressed out and it's not really something she needs to get worked up about. The nurse pats me on the shoulder and whispers,"smart choice" . They take us to an exam room and in it there is an ultrasound machine. We only wait a few minutes and the doctor comes in and asks us," so you think you are pregnant?"
Jade said," yeah my last period was First of November and I took 3 pregnancy tests and they were all positive and the last couple of days I have had morning sickness."
"Well we will check things out but I do want to warn you sometimes when we want something our mind tricks our bodies into believing it"
  I spoke up because the look on Jade's face had me seeing red," Look I know you don't believe that we will be pregnant without in vitro believe me we both know your opinion. However if she says she is pregnant then I say you do whatever test you need to do so we can get the confirmation that we already know. And that is God has given us a child a miracle if you want to say it or even if you don't"
Jade looked at me with those unshed tears and smiled. I took her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it.
   The doctor did the exam and told her that she was indeed pregnant and that she was measuring 11 weeks. He rolled the ultrasound machine over to her and it was in that moment my heart stopped beating when I saw the picture on the screen. I could not take my eyes off of it then I felt Jade squeeze my hand and I looked at her and the smile and look of awe on her face if I never do anything else or see anything else that look is enough to live the rest of my life.
   The doctor took measurements and then said," and this sound here is your baby's heartbeat" 
My knees buckled and I had to sit down. The tears fell from my eyes as I closed my them just listening to the miracle God had given us. I feel Jade's hand cup my face and I open my eyes to see the tears falling from hers. All the pain, all the heartache and struggles we have been through I see in her eyes was worth it to have been given such a miracle. I can't stop the tears knowing that this moment is what she has hoped, wanted and dreamed about for so long, never truly believing it would happen. I lean over and kiss her," I love you lil Mama"
"I love you Daddy"  and the tears start again.

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