Going Home

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Timber Jade POV 1 year later

  I'm sitting on the bus and I think back to a year ago and how life has really changed for me.
   When Brantley surprised me at FGL House and then after the kiss he told everyone that we had a long overdue date of dinner and dancing. He whisked me away to the hotel where he had set up my favorite meal of chicken Parmesan and had made a playlist of all my favorite love songs and we danced for hours, talking laughing and making plans. I didn't think things could ever change but how wrong I was.
   I had a meeting at his label a couple days later while he was recording. As I finished and was walking back to the studio I tripped and felt a set of muscled arms catch me to keep me from face planting. I was being helped up and I came face to face with Kip Moore. I start to tell him thank you and Brantley comes out of the end door and sees us and I will never forget what he said and how he looked at me," Well I guess you are just like all the other whores in this business only out for what you can get, I didn't know "meeting" was the new word for fucking Timber Jade"
Kip starts to explain and I said," Don't waste your breath Kip he won't believe the truth of it but him on the ass. He makes a decision and that's it . Cause God knows Brantley Keith thoughts and decisions are law"
  "Well its better than sleeping my way through artists to get a job. So I guess that has been all I have been to you for 6 years well darlin you can say goodbye to this gravy train. Get your shit out of my hotel room and lose my number cause this train just pulled out."

  "Timber, hey Timber, you with us?" Kip said.
I look at him and smile, "yeah just thinking about this past year"
   "Well since tour is over and you are free from contract with me as PR liaison what are you gonna do?" Kip asked.

  " I'm going home Kip, I haven't been home in a year. It's time to exercise some demons and spoil my godchildren. I missed their birthdays so I have a lot to make up for. I haven't done anything wrong so it's time to live my life. I can never thank you enough for the opportunity you gave me. I have learned a lot on this tour and have been so busy working that these next six months off well I'm gonna enjoy my family and friends and not having to be anywhere at any given time unless I want to. "
"What about BG Timber? You haven't spoken to him all this time. During the next 6 months you know he will probably be home and y'all have some of the same friends. "

" I can be an adult besides I didn't do anything wrong so I can hold my head up. He's the one who was an ass. If I'm honest Kip I still love him. No matter what he said that day I still love him cause I know he was saying it all because he was hurting. But that didn't give him the right to say it. He could have simply asked what's going on but he didn't he lumped me into the category with Jana and all the ones like her. So I don't know but what I do know is that I am so tired of not being home."

" I hear you now you know that if you need me all you have to do is call okay Timber. I got your back."

"Thanks I appreciate it Kip, but looks like this is my stop." I say as the bus pulls into my driveway. I grab my bags and hug Kip and James and thank them for a great time this past year. 
  I walk into my house after unlocking the door and I am hit with so many memories. I carry my bags to my room and it's just like it was before that awful couple of days. I unpack and look at the time and see I need to get on the road if I am going to make it to Eli and Ashleigh's by the time my surprise is set to arrive. I change into a pair of cutoffs and am Alabama tank top that Jay gave me several years ago. I slip on my ray bans and flip flops and grab my bag and keys and head to the garage to get my Jeep out. I turn the music up and listen to Lynard Skynyrd all the way to their house and as I pull in I see the delivery truck pulling in right behind me. I see that there are several trucks and cars so I hope this isn't a bad time.
Eli comes walking around from the back and his face splits into a grin when he sees my Jeep and yells for Ashleigh. I don't get my door opened good before he is yanking me out and spinning me around, "about damn time Timber Jade about damn time"
Ashleigh comes running and hugs me and then I am tackled to the ground by Cam and Tinsley. I laugh cause this feels great to be home with my family.
  As I am getting off the ground, the delivery driver asked where he needed to unload. Eli looks at me," What have you done Timber Jade?"
"Well I missed a lot and have a lot to make up for and I know that I missed Cam and Tinsley's parties so this is their present from me. Surprise?"
  We walk around and the guy opens the trailer doors and Cam sees the Polaris 4 wheeler and looks at me and said," is that mine TJ" when I nod my head he jumps and screams and everyone else around back comes running."I got my own 4 wheeler "
Then the squeal of a little girl are heard," thanks you thanks you TJ I loved my new house I can really be a princess now and have tea parties and thanks you I luvs you and forgives you for not being at my party!!! Get it out Daddy"
We all laugh at her antics and Eli gets on the 4 wheeler and drives it down the ramp and yells "Kolby ,Thomas, Rhett, Bubba y'all come help me with this damn house"
"Daddy you owe money in the swear jar" Tinsley said pointing her finger at him.

"I think TJ should pay it cause it's her fault I said it" Eli replied to his little girl and then kissed her cheek.
  The guys all came and helped him roll the house down the ramp and he asked where she wanted it and she told him "out back where all the parties happen. "
  They roll it around back with Ashleigh and I following them and Cam had gotten on the 4 wheeler and is riding around back with us.
  Ashleigh turns and said," How long are you home?"
  "At least 6 months, tour is over and I'm not doing anything but catching up with family and facing some demons. I'm tired of being on the road Ash I need to be home for a while. It's been a hell of a long year." I tell her.

"Yeah I get it TJ, but not just for you."

" I can't talk about it Ash, it still hurts like hell. But I decided I was tired of running. I didn't do anything wrong except fall in love with the wrong man, my best friend. That day I lost the most important person in my life, my best friend and the man of my dreams, kicker is it bothered me but it didn't phase him at all."

I walked over to Tinsley and she is beyond happy with her gift. Cam yells," can we go muddin soon?"
I look at Eli and he says," what about tomorrow after church?"
  He hugs me and said," I'm so glad to have you home TJ"
  "I'm glad to be home Eli"
I had no sooner got that out of my mouth and I heard the distinctive rumble of a motorcycle. My stomach dropped when I heard his voice say," wow Cam I love your new ride when you gonna mud it up?"

"Thanks Uncle B, TJ gave it to me to make up for missing my birthday party and tomorrow after church right dad?"
  Eli turned and said," that's right son, hey B didn't know you were home."
   "Just got in and wanted to see the kids."
"Uncle B now when we have parties here you can have a party with me . Look at my playhouse TJ gave me"
  "It sure is pretty Tinsley"
He turns to look at me and said," hello TJ"
"Hey B"
"That's not what you call her Uncle B, her is Jade to you. Only you call hers that, what's wrong with you are you so old now you forgot?"
Tinsley said .
  Everyone laughed as Brantley picked her up and tickled her telling her he wasn't old. I touched Eli's arm and motioned that I was gonna go. He told me just so I could hear," you are both gonna be in their lives don't you think you need to get past this TJ?"
  "Yes but not today not when I wasn't expecting it. Tomorrow I will be ready when I have had a good nights sleep. Love y'all "

I make my way around front making the mistake of looking back one last time and my eyes met his and just like that my heart breaks, cause in them I see hard where once I used to see love.

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