Hunting Trip

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Brantley POV

Tonight was our last night on the trip and Kolby had surprised me with inviting Luke and Jason up for the past 2 days. I had gotten a good buck today and now we were just hanging out. Kolby, Luke and Jason had started drinking after we hauled that beast out of the woods and they were cracking me up.

"Hey BG you know we heard about you and TJ getting married last week. " Luke said.

"Yeah how did you manage that since she is so against marriage?" Jason asked.

"First of all we didn't get married and second of all Jade suggested the rings because we are both tired of hearing I don't see a ring so that means you aren't taken spill."

"Well the way I see it, if yall can say those vows in front of your family you are married. Whether she wants to say you are or not." Kolby said.

"Hell why don't you just kidnap her and take her to the justice of the peace and make it official?" Luke said laughing.

"You would have to tie her up first cause there ain't no way she will go willingly" Jason said and shook his head grinning.

"Yeah that's the plan yall when we get back home he can tie her up blind fold her and put her in the truck and take her to the preacher and then head to the farm for their honeymoon, only he better keep her tied up cause she will beat his ass" Kolby said laughing.

"I got a question guys how did yall know about what we did that last night. Jade nor I put it out there?"

"Well BG you are a celebrity and Jade is making a name for herself so its called social media and TMZ duh?" Luke said
Jason rolled his eyes and said," yeah I mean it was on all the social media with a picture of yall at the concert when you called her out and sung to her. They zoomed in on your hand and hers and the rumors have started flying."

"Jade hasn't said anything about it guys" I tell them

"BG you know that girl she is curled up on her back porch swing reading and probably hasn't been on social media all week. She is tired from 2 back to back tours and all that has happened the past 2 years. She is cut herself off from everyone but you ."Jason said.

I grab my phone and look up what Jason and Luke are talking about and sure enough there is a picture of us and speculation on our new jewelry. Then the next thing is they are speculating that Jade is pregnant. That is the part that will upset her more than anything. She deserves to be a mama and a wife. I know she is scared but I think I can do this.

Timber Jade POV

It has been a great week. I have done nothing but read and sleep . I have spent time just watching the animals play in the field and I have done a lot of soul searching. I miss B and I am ready for him to be home. He sent me a picture of the big buck he got today and said Kolby had surprised him with inviting Jason and Luke up for the past 2 days.

There is no telling what they are getting into but I am so glad he is having fun. It has been a rough 2 years and its about time things started settling down for us.

I haven't talked to B but I have been thinking a lot about what everyone keeps telling me that we need to get married. I love B but my fear is that like everyone else that that will change if we get married, that he will turn into someone different or that I will.

I am sitting in the swing and I get a text

B: Hey princess how are you?

J: I am ready for you to be home, I miss you.

B: Ah baby I miss you too but I will be home tomorrow and what do you think about a date night with me?

J: I would love a date night with you, what are you thinking?

B: I gm thinking you in that pretty white dress and your brown cowboy boots that I love.

J: That sounds good outlaw, does that mean that you will be in that black button up with the sleeves rolled up and those jeans that I love to see you in?

B: if that is what my princess wants that is what my princess will get.

J: I love it!

B: I love you!

J: I love you!!!

B: Sweet dreams baby

J: Definitely cause they will be of you

B: not fair makes me wish I was with you right now.

J: See you tomorrow

B: I will be there to pick you up at 5 be ready

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