Family makes it better

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Brantley POV

   On the way home I keep glancing at Jade and she is sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window deep in thought. I know she is thinking the worst after the news the doctor gave us. I have got to figure out something to get her out of her head and whatever crazy idea she is coming up with right now. I lost her for a year and I will not let her push me away now. I can just see the wheels turning on how I need to let her go and find someone who can give me a child. What she doesn't get is that if I don't have her then I lose myself. Maybe a trip to the cabin for a couple days before Thanksgiving to hunt will help her. This way she gets away from everyone and it is just the two of us.
  I pull in and let the garage door close behind us, Jade jumps out of the truck and goes into the house. I follow after her not exactly sure what is gonna happen. I hear her talking to someone so I am assuming she is on the phone. I listen and I hear her say," yeah tonight is good, a night out is just what I need right now Ashley"  I walk to the bedroom door and I prop against the doorframe and watch her. She is fixing her makeup where she cried at the doctors office and on the way home. She notices me in the doorway and she smiles and it is a genuine smile but I see such sadness in her eyes. She gets off the phone and said," Ash and Eli are have 4 tickets to see Muscadine Bloodline at the Georgia Theatre and wanted to know if we wanted to go with them. I need to get out and have fun for a little while B so I told them yes"
  "Are you sure baby? Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as she puts her arms around me.
"Not really I would just like to forget about it for a while. I mean I have done some research before we went on options and I'm not ready to try in vitro B. That shit scares me cause I don't know if we could deal with me on hormones. On the way home I have been thinking"

"What have you come up with darlin"

"Well I think for now we just keep trying the old fashion way to get pregnant. I know we won't but maybe we tell Mama and let her be praying and even our friends if you want to like Britt and Jason, Luke and Caroline, Kate and Justin and Thomas and Lauren, cause that way they won't say or ask questions and you know they will be praying for us. I just don't want to do a public announcement to your fans if that is okay with you."

"Baby you know whatever you want to do about this I will. I would love to have a child with you but if you don't want to do that then I'm okay with it. We can always adopt or we can just be the best damn godparents and aunt and uncle to all the kids in our lives. I was prepared to whisk you away to the cabin to hunt and get you out of your head. I just got you and lost you for a year and I wasn't about to lose you again. So I will agree to all of that and yes I think we say a lot of prayers and see what happens. "
   Jade smiles and kisses me and said," I love you B and I am so blessed to have you in my life as my husband . "
     I kiss her and tell her," I'm the blessed one in our relationship to have you baby. What time are Eli and Ash coming?"
  She laughs and said," Any minute now, we are going to eat before the show"
   I growl and tell her," how can we have a baby if we can't practice making them?"
     She hits my chest and walks off  and says,"oh you are gonna get plenty of practice big daddy just not right now"
    I heard Eli and Ash pull up and honk the horn. I follow Jade out the door and climb in the truck. Eli pulls out and we head to our favorite restaurant in Athens.
   When we get in and order Ash looks at us and says,"okay we all know y'all had an appointment today so how did it go?"
    Jade looks at them and said," well the doctor said that it would pretty much take a miracle for me to get pregnant the old fashioned way and advised for us to schedule in vitro. We talked and have decided to pray and let just our closest friends and family know and let them pray with us."

  Eli said," Jade,B if you don't feel like doing this tonight we understand."
"No Jade wants to go she likes them and well there is a very small opening in the tube so it's not totally impossible but the dr said it would take a miracle but we know I have strong swimmers so hey, it can happen. It just means I need to try a little harder."
  That made Eli laugh and Jade rolls her eyes and said,"oh yeah we know but it took some talking to get you to cooperate. He jumped up and ran out when they told him they needed a sample yelling oh hell naw that ain't happening"

I glare at Jade and she laughs," I know you didn't think that was not going to get told I mean it was pretty funny the look on your face."
Ashley and Eli are rolling and I start laughing cause this right here is exactly what we needed. Spending time with family who loves us and will stand by us even in the rough times and help make them a little better. I look at Jade and wink and she smiles and I know that whatever comes we are gonna be okay.

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