Please Jade Flashback 2013 Part2

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Brantley POV

   We have arrived where we are filming the video for my new song Bottoms Up, Jade is getting made up in wardrobe and she is so happy with the Roaring 20's theme. The guys and I are getting suited up and playing around with the props. The Tommy guns are fun and I have been in a fight that I would be using my kimbers.  They tried to tell me that I could not use them but I had my guy take out the firing pin. I wasn't doing this without them. Ben and Jesse are playing around with the guns when Jade comes in and I can tell she is pissed.
"Hey TJ what's going on out there?" Jesse asked

" nothing but skanks out there so far, so you all should feel right at home" she replies

"Jade what is going on?" I ask her

"That stupid bitch Amy is here. Did you ask her to be here cause I thought you learned your lesson that she was crazy?"

"Really are you serious?" I asked her

"Do you think I would kid about psycho bitch? I am giving you fair warning that I will stomp her ass if she starts in on me B" she tells me

Ben laughs and says," she deserves it"

Shane calls us and is telling us what we are supposed to do and Jade looks at me and smiles and Shane tells her she will be riding shotgun in the first part.

We film that part and do several takes and then we break for lunch while they set up the party scene. As we are eating Jade comes back over. The guys are going on to her about the guys that have come in and she responds," Ben did you know that B has his own MC only they ride more than his bike?"

"No I didn't "Ben says

"Yeah they are called Music Dick Chasers" and laughs

"Timber Jade ....... shut up!" I tell her

"Make me B"

"Don't fucking tempt me Timber Jade"

" Promises promises B"

Growling I start toward her when Ben says" either go on and screw and put us out of our misery from the tension or stop flapping your gums....both of you"

"Ben shut the hell up!!!" I growl.

Jade opens her mouth and closes it and squints her eyes at Ben and says," Drummer Boy I don't think you want to mess with me right now, you know I can spread the word among the girls that you have herpes ....that will mean pussy for you ."

"Now Jade ... Honey, darling, sweetheart. ...." he whines as she taps her foot and growls.
"BG if she does that just take the pistol out of the holster and put me out of my misery"

"Timber Jade please behave princess" I say.

"Let me punch at least one BG ...just one is all I am asking. Or if not you better run drummer boy."

"How about you stick close to me Jade and be my girl on this shoot and that way Ben can have some fun and then if someone bothers me you can punch them"

"Does that mean I have to rub all over you like Shane wAS talking about earlier?"

" well princess its all for the creative process" I tell her.

"I don't  know about that B we already get enough crap out of drummer boy...."

"Please princess .... What will it take besides the stuff you already conned me out of ?"

"Steak dinner....."

"That's a deal...."

"Wait B I'm not through ... A trip to Las Vegas"

"No i think all that does is ask for major trouble. No no no no " I say crossing my arms and shaking my head.

"Then find one of your MC you know your music dick chasers... No trip means you have one of them do that part."

"What day do you want to fly out princess?"

"December 30"

I shake my head no " fuck I am gonna go broke or to jail I can already see it " I pull out my phone and start booking the flight because what my princess wants princess gets.

Jade grins and looks are Ben and says," you are off the hook now drummer boy"

We start the part modern day part and Shane has Jade dancing and in one part I am supposed to come up to her dancing and she takes off her earphones and places them on my head. I smile and listen then take them off placing them back on her head and kiss her .  This has been so much fun. Jade is dancing and I love watching her and singing my song I fist bump Kolby. Throwing down has been fun and I can tell Jade is having fun too. Well she is having more fun since she got to hit Amy and have her escorted off the shoot.
   Amy has been around since my club days and somehow always shows up at these shoots. She made the mistake of saying that Jade was a bitch and had her claws sunk into me for my money. Jade lost it and punched her and Shane had Amy escorted out. After that incident it was all good until we had to film the scenes of me singing and the three girls rubbing on me. Jade did it and all I could do was think about what it would be like for her to do it for real. Her fingers running on my arms and chest made me lose my train of thought and had to film that about 10 times.

  Shane calls a wrap and he tells me as I thank him " you need to make that one yours there is chemistry like I have never seen "

I laugh," yeah man we do have that but its because she is my Bonnie , my best friend. She Is the one who stuck by me and the reason I am where I am . nothing more buddy "

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