Don't Even Princess

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I walk in FGL house and spot Jade easily she is standing at a table holding a baby talking to someone, ahh, her favorite singer besides me Frank. So the baby must be Fox. As I make my way I stop in my tracks, Jade is laughing and playing with Fox and it hits me in my gut....she will be an amazing mother. She is getting everything she ever dreamed about. She is happy, bone deep, soul searching happy, with me. I watch her for a few minutes taking in her joy and beauty .
Thubb walks up beside me and says," Its a beautiful thing watching your wife turn into a mother. Hayley is the strongest person i know and that is because she is a mom. "
I turn and smile,"yeah I am figuring this all out but Princess has some explaining to do."
"Just please do like your song and take it outside" he asks laughing .
"Will do. See you later man."
As I finish making my way I hear her talking about today and Frank spies me and starts laughing . Jades says," He's standing right behind me isn't he?"
I make my presence known and say hello to Frank and Ashli and as she gives Fox back i scoop her up bridal style and turn heading outside.

"Now BD...."she says looking up at me.
"Don't even Princess" I growl.
She narrows her eyes,"Don't you growl at me you overgrown caveman, not because I wanted to do something as simple as going shopping with the girls. It is your own damn fault it came to this!!!!"

"My fault !!!! My fault!!!!! Well excuse me for worrying about your safety and well being!!! I thought that was part of being a good husband!"
I set her down in the seat of my truck and start to fasten her seatbelts and she glares at me "I never said you weren't B! Just overkill a little"
I get in and look at her,"Overkill?! How in the hell do you figure that it is over kill?!"
"I CAN'T BREATHE!!" she yells "I can't make a step without one of yall right behind me . I am a grown ass woman not a damn two year old . I know how to listen to my own body B. I know when yo eat , or when to rest if I get tired. I promised I wouldn't over do it. I'm tired of being treated like I am gonna break if someone breathes on me!"
Rubbing my hand over my beard,"Jade just please listen to me, I was just asking for you to take PJ with you whenever you go as a body guard. I dont think that was being unreasonable. But I do think you running off today was acting like a child and the only reason your ass isn't red from the spanking you deserve is because you are pregnant. "
"Well did it ever occur to you that I may want to underwear shop without the Incredible Hulk trailing me? Dont you dare snicker at me Brantley Keith! Its not funny."
"Then why are you smiling princess?"
Pushes my shoulder, because I hate it when you are right, I was being childish. Baby, my moods swing from one to the next."
"Come here princess," I say pulling her over into my arms "I know you would never do anything to harm yourself or our baby. What I dont trust is every other yahoo out there."
"I know but it was just getting to be too much . Do you know that PJ followed me into the women's bathroom last week at the concert? That was the last straw and when I planned this escape day. You really need to tell him to back off a little or your head of security may be Pauline when I finish with him"
Laughing holding my sides,"Pauline huh? I will talk to him but you know he just worries about yall"
"Lawd I can see it now, she says giggling PJ will be walking around glaring at everyone with the baby strapped to his chest if we are both working , I can see it now ...him slapping Ben's hands cause her trying to get the baby and Ben glaring back at him."
Tears are running down my face cause I am laughing so hard,"Oh yeah I can see it now no matter if it is me or you or him holding the baby I see him growling everytime someone comes close trying to see the baby. Maybe he needs a baby slower"
Jade throws her head back laughing harder," I will get Caroline on that ! She will be all for it! Ben is gonna lose a hand i know it, already threatened by Mama."
"Shit princess whoever comes between Mama and the baby will get a beating. Can see her and PJ squaring off. We may have to fight them all to hold our own child"
"Oh I dont know about that " she says with an evil grin ."I say we just change the gate code and not give it to anyone. Justin and Kolby are the only ones dumb enough to scale the fence"
"Baby" I say kissing her "you are one sneaky evil woman when you want to be. Remind me not to get on your bad side"
"Pfft"she says with a smirk, "you love to live on my bad side .....keeps it interesting between us"
Laughing I lean in and give her a kiss pulling her close "So...." I say giving her a look" no more sneaking off?"
She deepens the kiss and bites my lip causing a growl "think we can take this back to the bus now? I need a back massage after all the walking and....I may have bought something for you.
Nipping her ear I whisper"your wish is my command Darlin"
"Mmmm " she says smiling "I like it when you say it like that . Me in charge huh?"
Chuckling low ,"Dont get ahead of yourself princess"

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