Girls Night Out Part 2

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Timber Jade POV

We tell PJ to take us to a Mexican restaurant cause we needed food and margaritas. PJ looked over at me and said,"it is a little early in the day to start drinking, don't you think?"

"PJ you will take us or I will lose you and then what will you do when you have to call BG and tell him we gave you the slip. I said I needed a margarita so take us to a damn mexican restaurant."

We pull into the parking lot and I look at PJ and said"It is lunch and one margarita won't kill us"

"I am afraid it won't be just one" PJ told me.

Caroline said,"For now cause we have to shop"

As we sit down and the waiter takes our order, Brittany said,"Do you want to talk bout the show we saw between you and BG today?"

"Not really but I will. You know I love that man with my whole heart and I know he loves me but we all know he fears commitment .And you know I am terrified that I am just like my parents. So my thing is why change what we have when it is a ring and words. I don't want anyone making him feel like that I have to have that to be happy. Cause girls that man makes me happy, he's mine,heart ,body and soul. A piece of paper can't change that a ring won't change that. Now can we enjoy girls day?"

"Would you really tell him no if he asked?" Caroline asked

"My first reaction would be to say no but if I knew without a doubt that it was his idea and he did it all on his own cause he could without a shadow of a doubt tell me that was what he wanted and none of yall bullied him into it cause you think that is what needs to happen then I would not tell him no. but it has to be something that he does on his own without any of you . I need him to be sure without any doubt that he wants to be married me."

"Okay fair enough cause we all know that man has loved you for 7 years and he ain't going anywhere now that he's got you" Caroline said and Brittany nodded her head.

"okay now you want to tell us why he freaked over Kip Moore that day at the studio?"

I go to take a big gulp of my margarita and I realize that I have drank mine so I grab Carolines and take a big drink, "Well ........ he freaked because a few days earlier Kip brought something to the studio and was surprised to see me and asked me out to lunch to catch up."

"Wait you know Kip from when and where?" Britt asked

"I met Kip after I met BG. He was still with Amber the first time around. Kip played a bar in Athens and we got to know each other that night. B asked me if I fucked him and I told him it didn't matter he and I weren't together when I met Kip. He kept on and badgered it out of me at lunch that day and it caused a big blow up, we were just friends and he was acting like he owned me.

We both let our tempers get the best of us. Then that night at your place Britt , Kip text me and said he wanted to pick up where we left off. I told him that wasn't a good idea and showed B. Then you all know what happened the day at the studio after he and I got together."

"I don't get it TJ, why was he acting like that? It isn't like you and BG had slept together at that point"

At that Caroline narrowed her eyes at me and said, "You did it , I knew it I told Luke that there was no way that you two could hold out for 6 years. Luke owes me a pair of shoes mainly Jimmy Choose and old boy is gonna pay up"

"Well.... we did one time in 6 years, my 21st birthday and it was after Kip. Amber and him had split for what he thought was the very last time. It was when she told him the thought of marrying him scared her. He had his album release party and that night we both got drunk. Next morning he wakes up freaked out and I lie tell him nothing happened. He believes that for awhile till he found my panties in his jeans pocket when doing laundry and it all came flooding back. We talked decided we couldn't lose each other and decided to just be friends."

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