Flashback May 2012

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Brantley POV

I am home on break and Brian Davis and Jesse and Ben are here and we have been writing on the porch. I hear a vehicle come up the driveway and I know it can only be a handful of people cause the gates were locked . I grin because it is Jade's jeep, but what is she doing home its Wednesday and she should be in class.

"Hey princess is everything okay cause you are supposed to be in class today?" I ask

"Brantley Keith don't you hey princess me after what you did!" she yells.

The guys all laugh and she narrows her eyes at them and said,"if you don't want to be in the same boat as him I would suggest you keep you laughs and comments to yourself"

"Princess what has got you home and all riled up at me?" I ask.

"Did you send a text message to Paul and tell him that he needed to lose my number? I would answer that carefully if I were you"

" Well I might have said something like that, let me explain princess I was just looking out for you. He ain't up to anything good and I don't want you to be hurt."

"Hell I don't care Brantley , I ain't up to know good with him. I had heard he was a good lay and that was all I was after. Hell you can block me from across the damn country!!!!! Do you have any idea how frustrated I am? Its coming up on finals week and I needed to relieve some stress . Stay out of my sex life! !! "

"Timber Jade don't you say shit like that this bunch of hooligans would think you were serious but I know you aren't. I can't stand to see you get hurt and if I can help it i am going to prevent it. "

She stalks to stand nose to chest with me and says," No you listen here I meant every damn word I said. I haven't rode a dick in 3 months cause school has been rough and I had plans to relieve this frustration this weekend when I get a text that said tell your boyfriend I get the message loud and clear and will spread the word that you are off limits."

"You are off limits Jade ain't no guy gonna use you and walk away as long as I am around."
When I say that she punches me in the stomach knocking the breath out of me."stay out of my business B or i will do more next time. Now I have to go find another dick, I hate you cause half the guys don't know what the hell to do with a woman"

She turns to walk off, I follow her and grab her arm and say," you ain't doing this Timber Jade I will bend you over my knee and wear your ass out"

"Now see that's what I am talking about you know what the hell to do with a woman do you have any idea how hard it is to find that in a man nowadays? No they want to take you to dinner and all that stupid shit or you have the boys who want a quickie in the backseat of their car. When I find one who knows how to fuck a woman I get a damn text message that runs him off. So who of your friends knows what to do with a woman and how to fuck her senseless cause you owe me BIG TIME. "

"Keep your damn mouths shut guys if you know what is good for you. Jade you are not going after my friends, you are gonna go back to school and take your finals and come home after you are through and then you are gonna go with me on tour like we planned. "

" The hell I am Brantley Keith I will get laid before I take finals or you can kiss this ass goodbye."

She walks back to my porch and she is walking toward the guys and she runs her hands over Jesse shoulder and I growl when she said" I bet you are good with your hands since you are the lead guitar player. Dexterity is good"

"Jade" I growl

"Your woman is damn lucky, but Brian you play guitar too hmmm, oh and my jolly green giant drummer boy, you are good with your hands and legs... oh and no woman right now. I bet you know how to fuck a woman senseless don't you"

"Timber Jade Williams that is enough now get your ass inside my house and we will finish this."

"No Brantley Keith Gilbert I will not, not today . I have class in 35 minutes so I have to go. But you listen and you listen good.... Stay the hell out of my sex life!!! If I need you to handle something I will let you know. Do you understand ?"

She walks off the porch and as she gets back to me she kicks me in the balls"FUCK Jade why the hell " I grit out .
She laughs and said," if I can't get laid you ain't either B, see you in a week"

Oh that woman is gonna be the death of me. As I stand up the guys are all pale and Brian said," she scares me I thought she was gonna jump one of us"

Ben laughed," we should probably charge admission to the bonfire next weekend cause its gonna be one hell of a show if she don't get laid between now and then"

Jesse asks"need some ice BG"

I shoot him a bird as I gingerly sit down .

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