Truth Hurts

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Brantley POV

Shit! I just fucked up big time and I hit the dashboard when I realize it!! Jade is so right I have fucked other girls and she knows that and I know she ain't a damn virgin so why in the hell did her telling me that she fucked Kip bother the hell out of me. She's right I am an asshole and I know I have a lot of groveling to do to make up for pissing her off like I have done. I would blame it on painkillers but I haven't had any other than Tylenol.
As I am sitting in the truck Jay comes out and I can tell he is about to rip me a new one for this. He opens the truck door and said," What the hell did you do to piss Jade off BG? She's fucking crying in my bathroom!"
"Shit! I knew I made her mad but I didn't realize she was that mad. Let's just say I got a lot of groveling to do."
"No man you are gonna tell me exactly what you have done so get to talking"
" I can't tell you because I'm sure she doesn't want everyone to know what we were arguing about"
"BG I don't care that you have been shot if you don't tell me what is going on with my sister I'm gonna whoop your ass"
"We got in a fight cause Kip came by the studio today and I asked her if she fucked him and she told me she did right after we met and that is what we are fighting about!!! Satisfied now Jay?!"
"Kip Moore?! Well was it awkward between them or something did he hurt her what ?"
"No it wasn't awkward they were both surprised to see the other but carried on a conversation and he asked her to lunch, but backed out when I asked her if we were ordering in or going somewhere. At lunch I asked how she knew him and she told me so I asked if she fucked him and then I told her I didn't know what to say to her. She said it was a hookup a one time thing cause he had a hot body and she needed a real live dick and then she gets all pissy at me cause I'm mad. I didn't get it, she threw up in my face that I had fucked other girls and had one night stands. She's right I have no right to say anything and I don't know why but it pisses me the hell off when I think about it"
Jay starts laughing and said," well it pisses you off cause you think of Jade as yours and up until now no one in the music business that knows her has been with her but now you know different and it sounds to me like you are jealous that Kip had the balls to do what you want to do but won't for whatever stupid reason that you tell yourself. "

" Jade is my best friend Jason she has been with me through the breakup and the mess that it left me in, she was there when we tried again and it didn't work out. She has been a light for me to be able to come home too. That little lady is something special I know better than anyone. I just don't want anyone to hurt her cause I would die for her and kill for her. That is a proven fact. "
"BG you just said everything but the 3 words you need to admit to yourself and her, you love her. As soon as you both realize that you love each other you will be better off. Now come on I have to get the stuff on the grill"
We walk into the house and I see Jade out by the pool with Britt and the girls. Jason and I carry the meat out and he starts cooking. Luke and Caroline arrive with Til, Bo and Tate. Til asks Jade how she got the bruises on her stomach and ribs. Jade tells him that her ex boyfriend did that to her when she broke up with him. I had to laugh when he said," I bet BG whooped his ass too"
Caroline got onto him but Luke said," yes he did son as would any of the rest of us. You know we don't believe that it is ever okay to hit a woman."
The guys have all congregated around the grill with their drinks and the women are laying out by the pool talking and laughing and I see Jade start to her up and I ask her," you need something else to drink?"
"Yeah I do but I can get it wouldn't want to trouble you."
The guys look at me as I head to the bar and I pour Jade another drink from the pitcher that was there. I take it to her and say," I'm sorry it's the least I can do." She nods her head and I walk back to the guys and join in the conversation.
"Okay BG what have you done? " Luke asks

"I have been an asshole about something today and I pissed her off. I didn't get it at the time but I do now. So I am trying to make up for it"

"So did you finally realize y'all belong together?"
"Not you too I've already heard this from Jay I am not gonna listen to it from you. We are best friends, and I would and have done anything for her. So can we forget about it please "

"Well I am gonna say this one thing and I want you to think about it , what are you gonna do when someone comes up and sees just how special she is and will treat her the way she deserves? Cause then it might be too late. "

I look over at Jade and meet her eyes. She gives me a smile, a real one and I know that even though I was an ass earlier she has forgiven me.  I hear Keely and Kendal ask Jade "Show us how to wobble " 
Jade asks ," why girls"
"Well there is a dance coming up and we need to know some of the dances and we figured you were our best bet to ask since you aren't old"

Jason says," No my girls are not dancing to anything that makes them shake their butt"

Luke says," I can teach y'all girls"

The girls say," Uncle Luke that's okay we got Jade and besides you really are to old to be trying to twerk."
We all died laughing at that and Luke's expression.
Jade gets up and said," well the biggest thing about dancing is you can be classy or trashy and I'm warning you both if I find out you are dancing trashy I will whoop your butts, okay"
Til plays the song and Jade starts teaching all the kids all these different dances and tells them the key is to put their own signature move on it that is what stands out. Classy dancing is moving a little but trashy is moving a lot.
  I can't stop looking at her and then her phone goes off. Caroline tells her it's a text from an unknown number. Jade keeps on dancing with the kids as long as they want her too and I continue to watch her body move and I wonder just what it would feel like moving next to mine.  She checks her phone and her expression changes. I ask her," who was that what's wrong"
She said," it doesn't matter I took care of it " I walk over and she hands me her phone and it was Kip asking her to lunch and maybe pick up where they left off last time. Jade had replied that it wasn't a good idea because that was a long time ago and she wasn't about that now
I nod at her and kiss her on the top of her head. She leans into me and said," I don't want him I meant it when I said one night." I whisper in her ear," I will handle it if that doesn't get your point across" she looks at me and smiles and kisses my cheek.
   As the kids run off cause they are tired and gonna watch a movie , Jason and Luke take their shirts off and are gonna swim. They are telling me to go put my shorts on and get in with them. I tell them no.
Britt gets in the water and said," why not BG"
Jason said," cause he don't want no body to see his chicken legs"
Caroline follows and said," nobody cares about that, get in the damn pool and have fun BG"
  Jade gets up and comes over and said," she's right women don't care about legs all they care about is the package, ain't I right ladies" as she runs her hand down my chest and pats me.
I growl low in her ear," Timber Jade, don't think I won't bend you over my knee and spank that ass just cause we are with friends. So be careful darlin"
She just smiles as she walks down the steps into the pool.
  I realize then I love her, her smiles, sass and how she has been there for me since the day I met her. Why did I not see it before now? The big question is what in the hell am I gonna do?!

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