Need to Ride

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Brantley POV

   I hear this awful sound and I am trying to figure out what it is and I figure out it is my phone. It stops and I lay back curling back up to Jade it was early morning before we made it to bed and she is still sleeping. I look at her and I see her rings and I smile. The day she married me was the happiest day of my life.
My phone starts ringing again and I answer it cause it is Eli.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Uncka Bwantwey I need you and Aunt T to take me riding. Cam and my pawents are drivings me crazy!!! Sooooo you and Aunt T need to get up and get over here now!"
"Princess what is going on?"
"Did you not hear me? Maybe you needs Momma to clean your ears out like she does mine. I said they are drivings me crazy and I need you and Aunt T to bring the laris and take me for a ride."

"Okay princess we will be over in a little while"

"Well get up out of the bed and don't go back to sleep"
"I'm up princess I'm up"

I look over and Jade is biting her lip trying to keep from laughing out loud. I kiss her and she asks,"What is Tinsley wanting her Uncka B to do now?"

"She want me and you to and I quote," bring the laris and take her for a ride cause Cam and her parents are drivings her crazy"

When I said that Jade lost it laughing and said," I guess that we better get ready since we have our orders from our princess. Cause if we aren't over there in 30 minutes she will be calling you back."

I grin and shake my head and say," I know you are so right. They are gonna have a time with princess when she becomes a teenager. Poor Eli and Ash"

"Really do you mean to tell me that Unka B won't be the first one to tell the boys to keep their hands off his princess or he will make sure they wish they had?" Jade asks me

"Oh no Eli already said she couldn't date so we are good there"

Jade bends over laughing as she is getting dressed and I ask  her," what is so funny?"

"You and Eli thinking you can keep little Miss firecracker from dating. You both are in for a rude awakening."

I just shake my head and put my hat on and go on downstairs to load the Polaris onto the trailer after booking it to my truck. Jade comes out dressed in a sweatshirt, jeans and boots carrying our jackets that we use to mud in. She hands me a travel mug of coffee and a egg sandwich as I get in the truck. We eat on the way to Eli's house.
   As soon as we pull in the driveway Tinsley is running out the door with Eli following her and he yanks her up as I pull to a stop and park the truck.
  "Aunt T save me from these crazy people!!!!" Tinsley yells as Jade gets out of the truck. I look at Eli and he has his eyes rolled heavenward looking like he was praying.
  "What is all the fuss about Tinsley?"

"They are driving me crazy telling me that you and Uncle B got married and I told them that you didn't caused you didn't wears no big puffy princess dress and I didn't get to be the flower girl like my friend Sara did in hers uncles wedding. Mama says y'all lopes but I don't care cause it ain't happened right"
  Jade looks at me and I walk up and take her from Eli and I tell her," Princess we did get married, at Judge Taylors house when I came home from my hunt. Aunt T and I decided that we just wanted it to be us. I took her and told her we were getting married. But sweetheart you were at our house last night when we had the party celebrating cause your mama wouldn't let you eat a third piece of cake. Remember?"

"Really you mean that I can't be a flower girl? Uncle B yous in my doghouse cause now I don't have nothing to talk to Sara and she's gonna think she's better than me." Tinsley said glaring at me with her arms crossed.

Cam came out and asked," Are we ready to ride?"

  Eli and Ash got in their Polaris, Cam got on his 4 wheeler and Jade and Tinsley rode with me. We rode the trails for about an hour and stopped looking at one of Eli's fields when Tinsley said," I know now that you are married you can have me a baby then I would have something on Sara."

Jade went white and Ash said," Tinsley Cooper you better hush your mouth before I make you go in your room and no dessert for supper."

Tinsley looked at Ash and said," Why? All I said is that they could have a baby for me"

Jade picked Tinsley up and said," sweetheart sometimes people can't have children for different reasons or they need help from doctors and I am one of those people who need help so right now we aren't planning on having a baby right away cause we just got married. But I promise that besides your Uncle B you will be the first to know when that happens."

Tinsley looked at Jade and said," well I'm just gonna talk to God about it Aunt T because he can do miracles I learned that in Sunday school."

Jade kissed her on the head and smiled as she said," you do that sweetheart cause that would make me so happy okay"
Tinsley hugged Jade and kissed her on the cheek and whispered or tried to whisper," you gonna be a great mommy cause if I didn't have my mama I would want you to be my mama."

I had to turn away cause it made me tear up. I know that Jade and I need to go see her doctor to figure this stuff out if she wants to really try. I just don't want to push her.

Ash says," how about we head back to the house and build a fire and roast hotdogs and fix smores?"
Cam yelled and took off and Eli went next with Ash. I looked at Tinsley and Jade and said ," we will take the shortcut and beat them home"
Tinsley laughed and off I went on the other trail. I looked at Jade and she was smiling. Yeah this is what being married is about.

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