FGL House

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Brantley POV

I am in the living room of the suite and I yell "Jade are you about ready to leave Jason just text and said that they were almost there."

"Yeah I am putting my shoes on now, what did you decide are we taking the truck or a cab ?"

"We can take the truck and if you drink then I can drive us back here . its not like I can't use my right hand and its not that far "

She walks out and I smile she looks amazing somehow she covered the bruises on her face. She picks up her purse and we head downstairs to leave.

Pulling in and parking I text Jason and he said that they were just inside the door waiting for us. I tell Jade and she hops out and we walk to the doors and meet Jason and Brittany. Jason looks at Jade and he pulls her in for a hug and she tells him "Easy Jay the ribs are still sore." He kisses her on the cheek and looks at her face. Brittany hugs her and tells her that she looks hot. Jason and I do the handshake and bro hug before he says," BC said they would save us a table up top on the Cruise rooftop"
Jade told him," Lead the way Jay"
We all make it to our reserved table and the waitress asks for our drinks and if we wanted to order now. Jason orders a beer and Brittany and I get water and Jade orders a hurricane. I raise my eyebrow at her and she looks at me and said," I think I have been through a rough few days and I deserve it"
Jason asks," How are y'all both doing?"
Jade said," We are surviving and at this point that's about all you can do. Just take it hour by hour."
I look at them and say,"I am fine since she's okay and he can't hurt her anymore. Gonna use these 2 weeks to lay tracks and then get back to normal after that."
Brittany looks over at Jade and said," lets dance"
They both get up and head to the dance floor and Jason and I watch them and he asks "you gonna tell her how you feel?"
I look at him and he said," don't play dumb BG, you know good and well you have had a hard on for that girl since the first day you met her . I don't see how she don't see it . I mean isn't that why Amber left she saw how you felt even if you didn't admit it?"
"Jay I love that girl but she is my best friend and has been for the past 6 years and yeah I know she's hot but we don't see each other like that."
About that time Brittany and Haley walked up and Jason and I stood and hugged them and they asked me," So where is Jade we can't believe we are gonna get to meet the girl who owns your heart"
I roll my eyes," Not y'all too, we are just friends ladies but yeah she is dancing with Brittany right now. Where are the boys?"

"They are making the rounds and should be here in a minute. " Haley replied.

I look over and I see Jade dancing and she has a huge smile on her face and I know this is exactly what we both needed to spend it making good memories after the past few days. I hear the boys come up and its a round of hugs and they take a seat asking where our girls were. I start to point and Jason said," looks like they are making their way back"
Tyler says," so we finally get to meet the mysterious Jade"
I laugh and say," yeah you do"
As Jade gets back to the table the boys and their wives both stand up and they all yell,"TJ what are you doing here without telling us?"
Jade just smiles and hugs them all and I know Jason and I have a strange look at each other. Brian asks "so where is Jade so we can meet your woman BG?"
I look at Jade and she laughs and I say," apparently you already know her Timber Jade meet FGL, FGL meet Timber Jade or as you called her TJ. So who wants to fill me in?"
Jade laughs at the look on our faces and said," Well B, I know them professionally. You know my degree is business and public relations and I had to resign from my job a 2 years ago because Counter made a scene at the firm I worked at. I secretly started my own consulting and PR firm without him knowing these last 18 months using the contacts I made at my time at the firm. I do it mostly through email and very few meetings. BC and BCole, Thubb and Haley are clients I have worked with. It has been done with strict confidentiality on both parts. I used TJ Consulting as the name that way maybe it wouldn't get back to Coulter. I had to have a way to support myself cause I didn't want to waste my degree and I didn't want to use all my savings supporting his sorry ass. I have a few musicians I do work for and some Nascar drivers and some lawyers. A very select clientele. They have never been at one of the bonfires or at your house so it never came up before. "

I look at her and smile," you just keep surprising me Jade. I am glad that you did that cause you don't know how worried I have been about you ."

We all sit around and talk and finally order. About the time we finish eating Tucker Beatherd gets on the stage and all the girls smile as he starts an acoustic set. By this time the place is packed and Jade has a buzz going . She is funny and has us all laughing as Brittany points out someone and Jade makes up a story about them. We have been joined by Chase Rice and Luke and Caroline Bryan.
Caroline gets in on pointing out someone and she asks about a lady .Jade said," Oh that one is easy she is looking to find a sugar daddy or big music star. She is dressed like she already has money but that is a fake Michael Kors clutch and she keeps trying to make eye contact with Chase and BG. Now take that girl over there BG , she's making eye contact but its because she is wanting to fuck you and if its more than just one time that's okay but she would happy to have bragging rights of one night. She is wondering if we are together but won't make a move on another woman's man so if I were you I would make my way over to her cause its a guaranteed lay, besides she's hot I mean I would do her if I went that way."

I spit out my drink when she said that last part and looked at her and said," okay that is enough I think its time to get you back to the hotel cause you are clearly drunker than I thought. "
The whole table is laughing at me and Jade said," No i am not drunk besides I can be a good wingman"
Jason is laughing so hard he is laying on the table and Caroline has just given Jade a high five. Caroline points out a guy that is making eyes at Jade and she looks and said," he has a little dick and I ain't about that"
I can't believe she said that and I look at her and she said," look at him tell me he ain't on steroids and everyone knows that a man on steroids has a little dick its a side effect. Besides I want a real man one that isn't afraid of a little manual labor , not that I am looking. My motto right now is the same as BG single for life"
I pull her in for a hug and she smiles and said," besides I have all I need right here in my best friend. "

Chase asks her," what about those long nights alone?"

"Well Chase its like this the last man I loved beat the shit out of me and lived off me for 2 years so my single for life sounds pretty good besides I have my very own teddy bear in BG when he is home."

I look at the time and tell them," I hate to break this up but I have to be in the studio early in the morning so we are gonna go."
Jade hands me the keys and we make our rounds telling them all goodbye and as we are walking off Jason said,"Im gonna have the girls tomorrow how about everyone come over at 5 for a swim and cookout. I know they would love to see you all."
We all agree and say good night. As we are walking out Jade puts her arm around me and said," thanks for tonight Brantley I felt normal again. "

Breaking CodeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora