Girls Night Part 2

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Thanks to MissyDoe2017 for helping me out. This couldn't be done without her.

Brantley POV

I grab my keys after the girls leave and go get in my truck and head to Eli's to pick him up before heading to Jason's. Since the girls were having a night out we decided to get together and watch the ballgame even though our team wasn't playing. I asked Eli if he knew who was playing the club tonight and he didn't. We get out and Jason meets us and tells us to come around back he was grilling. I asked him and Luke if they knew who was playing the club tonight and Luke starts laughing and said,"Yeah Dimples"
I grin its perfect I have his number and I want Jade to have a good time so I text him to make sure she has fun tonight and I would see him at some point but he needed to be scared when I showed up. He sent back it was under control. I laugh and the guys all look at me and I just smile.
Jay says,"hell what have you done? "
"Nothing just making sure the girls have a good time. Jade needs to let loose and blow off steam. She is getting stuck in her head and tonight I sent PJ so he could drive them home. They wouldn't get to have as much fun because they wouldn't drink as much but now they can." I tell them.

We are eating and Luke asks "how is it going really man ?"

I shrug my shoulders,"I won't lie to you its rough. I mean I see how every month she is disappointed and I wish I could do something. Then I am afraid she will get so deep in her fucking head that she will run and I won't get her back"

Jay says," I see it happening BG but then I see you do something and she pulls out of her head to real life. Keep doing what you are doing . You know we are praying everyday for you."

Eli looks at us and he said,"Tinsley has said that you were having a baby cause she done talked to God and told him about it and asked real nice so it was gonna happen. I know God won't let that baby down."

Jay says," you know, anything you need you let us know right man"

"Yeah I know guys and as much as she needed tonight I did too." just as I say that Jays phone buzzes and he looks at a pic Britt sent of the girls and shows us. We are watching the game and Jay looks at his phone and then all our phones start buzzing. I open it and it is a video of Dimples singing to the girls and he gets Jade up and dances with her and sings to her and places a kiss on her cheek. I slide my eyes to the corner and they are all looking at me. I put my pissed off face on and get up not saying anything and head to the door. Eli gets up and is walking behind me and Jay and Luke follow. I never say a word just get in my truck and head to the club.

I walk in the club with the guys trailing me. I spot the girls and almost grin when I see Dimples at the table with them. I stalk over flexing my arms and make my face hard as I come up behind Jade and I put my hand on Dimples shoulder and growl.

Dustin looks up at me and gulps......BG was innocent I swear....

"Oooooh you have fucked up now dimple boy" Britt tells him

"BG ....don't break him too bad.....he's sooooo pretty" Caroline says

"I got you Dustin I saw a video of you dancing and singing to my wife, but unlike some you didn't cross the line." I say.

"Damn I just knew he was gonna throw her over his shoulder and stomp out" Caroline pouts crossing her arms.

"Can't get a show everytime honey. So put the popcorn away " Luke tells her.

PJ asks,"Just how much shit do you carry in that purse anyway ?"

Caroline grins with that scary evil grin and replies,"wouldn't you like to know. Come over here and see." PJ walks over as she digs around and they all start laughing when she pulls out her ruler.
PJ realizing what is going on ," ma'am that isn't happening....Luke please control your wife"

"Man I have been trying for years. She doesn't listen "

"Well Luke... a spanking helps" I tell him.

Jade snorts," that's why she does it . That's what she wants ....duhhh"

PJ makes his escape as the light bulb goes off for me and I see Luke too. Jay and Britt are laughing so hard. Eli looks at the girls," this is why y'all have girls night and do half the shit you do cause you like to be spanked....hell boys you should be doing that a couple times a week anyways. I thought you were country boys but it seems you have turned into city boys."
We all growl at Eli boy my ass ....Fucker you forgetting we are all Georgia boys here and know how to please our women.

"Dammit Eli!!!!! You are not supposed to be telling off on our sex life" Ash tells him.

"Oh god my ears" I say.

"Hell BG it ain't like you are some saint cause buddy let me tell you EVERYONE in a 10 mile radius knows when you are having sex. And we have heard more than once your views on sex in those damn VIP sessions you do" Ash tells me.

Jade can't stop laughing ,"its all in the leg !!!!! And we ain't that loudAsh"

Luke,Caroline, Jason,Britt,and PJ "bullshit!!!! The bus needs new shocks"

I just cross my arms and lean back smirking "I aim to please boys I can't help that you don't boys."

"Really BG then how come it took you all day to please Jade?" Caroline asks

I lean closer and give her a wink,"because I can go allllll damn day darlin' causing Jade to chug her drink.
Britt said,"well she's still walking straight and you know what they say if you can still walk into the kitchen and make a sandwich you ain't doing it right"

Jade says,"hell if he did it any more right I would be dead, didn't think I was gonna make tonight he had to carry me to the tub"

Caroline and Britt give her a high five exclaiming "fuckkkkk"

I just smirk," yep that's whAT we did . hey Luke you may want to check out that Karma Sutra book sometime"

Luke rolls his eyes, "who do you think they asked about it before they printed it BG"

"Since when have you ever read a book BG?" Ash says.

"Since it was nothing but pictures of people having sex " Eli replied and I hit him on the arm.

Dustin who has been sitting here the whole time sipping on a beer and munching on Caroline's popcorn says," Holy hell ....y'all are awesome ...I need pointers"

"First of all dimple boy , don't go near Princess or BG will beat your ass." PJ tells him.

"Well you can go near just no funny business " Caroline tells him

"Stay away from Caroline or she will have that ruler out trying to get your measurements " Jay says
Dustin covers the boys and looks at Caroline and she grins "popcorn isnt free dimple boy"

Dustin with a look of fear says," help Luke"
"Hell now man .you are on your own. She doesn't bite .....much." Luke tells him before taking pity on him "oh for heavens sake Caroline put the damn ruler up for now and I will use it on you later"

"Fuck yes! When are we leaving Luke?"

"Sit your ass down heifer its girl night" Britt tells her

Jade pipes up," that's right you came knocking on my damn door threatening to drag me out of bed so sister you ain't going nowhere."

I lean over smirking and whisper," But if she leaves that means I can take you back to the house and try out these " as I pull out a pair of new handcuffs

Jade jumps up,"Peace out y'all!!!!Love ya it's been fun !!!Pray !!! Come on Big Daddy I need those and you ....NOW!!!!!

I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder and give them all the middle finger for all their comments as I am walking out.

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