The Plan Part 1

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Brantley POV

    I make it home and unload everything and jump in the shower. I get out and get dressed in the shirt and jeans Jade mentioned last night and I grab my bag and Jades bag that she keeps her at the house.
As I get in my truck I make a call to make sure everything that I have worked on today is in place. I hope she doesn't kill me but at least I will have tried.
As I pull up in her driveway, she is on the porch and I put the truck in park and get out. I stand there looking at her and she still takes my breath away after all this time. She smiles and I can't help but return it as I make my way to the porch. I pick her up and spin her around as I kiss her softly.
"Hey outlaw"
"Hey princess are you ready?"
"Yeah let me grab my purse and lock up"
I watch as she does that and I can't believe that she loves me, even after all the shit I put her through. She takes my hand and I walk her to my truck and help her in and shut the door after stealing another kiss. As I make my way to the driver side I pull out a blue bandana and as I get in I turn to her and say," I have to blindfold you now but I promise it won't be for long, okay"
"No not happening Brantley Keith "
"Jade please baby, do this for me ?"
"Nothing good happens if you have to blindfold me.
" I have a surprise and I hope you will like it but I need to do this so it doesn't give it away"
"Okay " she huffs. I put the blindfold on and tell her I love her and kiss her again before I start the truck.

As we are driving she asks," have you been on social media at all this week?"

"Not until last night why?"

"Then you know that the media is speculating that we are married"

"Yeah Luke and Jason asked me about that last night and told me. I explained to them what we had done and that it was your idea."

"It has made me think B, about why I am so against marriage"

"And what have you come up with since you have been thinking?"

"I don't know if I am being honest with you I have no clue what I want to do. It really just confuses me more than I already am"

"Do you think I could help you with that?"

"I don't know, I know you want to get married but I also know you have 2 failed attempts and I have 1."

" you know my failed attempts were because they were with the wrong people right princess?"

"Maybe, I like to believe that but I'm not so certain."

"Baby they didn't work out cause they weren't you, you took my heart 7 years ago when you come out of those woods and never gave it back."

We arrive at our destination and I park and say a silent prayer that this will work.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?"

"No let me come around and help you out and then we will take it off"

" okay"

I jog around and open her door and as I set her down and close the door I lead her around the truck and stop in front of the house we are at. I untie her blindfold and as I take it off she gets this puzzled look on her face.

"Why are we at Judge Taylors house Brantley? What did you get into that we have to come here and get you out of?" She said glaring at me.

"Well I haven't gotten into anything yet but I am hoping and praying that when we leave her I will be in a marriage to you. I brought you here to marry me Timber Jade, now hear me out before you say anything."

Jade crosses her arms and glares at me.

" I want to marry you and be your husband for the rest of my life. I have been thinking about what everyone has been saying how if we can say those vows we did the other night why can't we make it official? I know you are terrified and I understand that princess. I really do. I am too, but if I can stop being a chicken about this why can't you? But what will change if we get married? We already are wearing the rings and we have said our vows, the only thing is that if we walk in this house and do this tonight is we sign a piece of paper and we make it official and legal and that way if anything happens we get to make the decisions for each other. I understand that because of your parents and douchebag ex that you think marriage changes people but it doesn't have to. We are married in our hearts already. I know you are hung up on not being able to have a baby and I understand that but I have to tell you that if we do or if we don't I will love you regardless. You are my world and have been for so long. So I am asking you with everything that I have in me... will your marry me Timber Jade Williams?"

She looks at me and I see tears in her eyes and as she opens her mouth to reply, the door opens and we hear," are we doing this or not?"
Jade looks at me and then to the door and she smiles," yes let's do this now before I chicken out"

"Did you just say you would marry me?"

"Yes I did now lets do this"

" that's a good thing cause I was prepared to tie you up until you did"

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