Ben's Secret Addiction

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Jade is curled up on the couch of the bus enjoying a little down time and thinking about baby names when a notification chimes on her phone. She picks it up glancing around to make sure B is still in the bed asleep and clicks on the link to read the story. So sue her, after finding the stuff on Wattpad about Brantley she kept up. It was definitely entertaining and she knew for a fact Caroline was just as guilty. In the middle of laughing about crazy misadventures of her favorites , Ben comes running on the bus out of breath. "Jade" he gasps chest heaving,"y'all can't go home tomorrow. You just can't. I already know 4 crazy women and a scary army dude are gonna show up at your house!"
She tries to keep a neutral straight face," Ben what makes you say that? I mean how do you know that?" Ben turns red and stammers, "well, um ...uh"
Jade bites the inside of her cheek to keep a laugh in and Ben blurts," it's just a feeling I have "
Putting a hand over her baby bump, "Really Bennie Boo cause that is a pretty detailed feeling , are you having visions now? Or have you been reading?"
"Reading ? What reading ? No I don't read, why are you asking if I was reading ?"
"Oh I don't know Benjamin ..... I mean I do have random women and men show up at my house all the time or is this something that is planned ? I mean I need specifics especially if you expect me to tell B we can't go home. You know what his response will be, they come to my house and threaten my family and you can call the cops to read me my rights after they meet the business end of my rod and my staff"

" Jade , no , he can't do that this dude is huge and he will be able to disarm B in less than 5 seconds and have him restrained. You got to talk him out of going home TJ!"

"Why are you so set on 4 women and one scary army dude is coming to my house tomorrow? Did PJ tell you something about a new security threat he hasn't told B about? Cause I am going home tomorrow to sleep in my bed and reveal the sex of this baby. I mean if it is you know PJ and B will be in survival mode, guns, more guns, knives , knuckles. So tell me Ben ... tell me what you know !!!"
"Because I was reading okay !!" He yells hanging his head," I have kept up with Wattpad. Some of that shit is pretty funny and there is a new one where they show up to see BG or BD as they call him"

"Benjamin I am shocked that you are reading that still . Does BG and the band know? I mean I don't want to slip up and out you if they don't " she says looking concerned.
"TJ" he whines," No they don't know so you gotta help me cause I would never hear the end of it, if they found out. So dont say anything but just be extra cautious okay?"
Laughing Jade pulls her phone out,"yeah I just read it too and its funny and scary sometimes how that group of women have pegged him and all of you to a T. I swear they are geniuses."
"What the fuck Jade!!!!" Ben roars turning red . You knew what I was talking about and let me ramble on ! Dammit Jade stop laughing this is not cool not cool at all sister!"
A sleepy Brantley walks in rubbing his eyes in a pair of low slung sweatpants and bare feet,"what the hell is so funny ?"
"Just laughing at Ben baby , I let him go on with this joke and then said the punchline before I busted out laughing and he doesn't think it was funny" she says winking at Ben letting him know she was keeping his secret.
PJ walks in and says,"I just wanted to let you know I was calling Chris to check on the house and make sure everything was okay at home before we head back tomorrow since I want be with you when you get back there."
"Okay man but something going on?" BG asks . Ben and Jade look at each other with wide eyes behind his back.
"Something wrong PJ" Jade asks innocently "I mean I know yall have been overprotective since I have been pregnant but this is pushing it a little"
"No nothing wrong Princess . I just want to make sure since I will be going to get the powder packed and you and Boss will be rolling in alone. Doesn't hurt to be cautious." PJ tells her. BG walks back to the back as she nods her head . PJ looks back making sure BG is out of ear shot, actually I won't tell him this but I got a tip from Caroline that could possibly be a credible threat so I want to have Chris check it out."
"Tip from Caroline PJ? Hmmm, did this tip come from Caroline or Wattpad PJ?" Jade asks. PJ drops his eyes "um what is Wattpad princess?"
" Really PJ? Really?" she says with a giggle "You too? I find it and bring it up and now you all are like a bunch of obsessed crack addicts . Caroline called me irate toe other day because someone had killed her off.....again"
"Okay I admit it I read it but you have to admit some of that was funny but Princess those 4 ladies , they scare me a little. I really think they could do some of the stuff they talk about. Do you read the comment sections cause if not you need to start. I mean we are talking crowbars, baseball bats , guns , knuckles and who knows what else. They even have a military man who can plan covert operations. So yeah I am being careful."
"PJ ....scare you....nah" she says patting his arm."If said army man walks up to my house i would offer him a drink . Sounds like he needs it having to deal with those four women. Besides I wouldst mind meeting them. They sound like our kind of women. Wonder what they will do next?"
"TJ I am serious !" he whisper yells . She looks at him ,"I am too. I think those four could help me give this bunch a run for their money. Besides I love reading about what they could get into next and.... they dont like she who won't be named either. So like I said my kind of women."
Covers his face and moans," No, no, no, no!!!! Your little band of nutjobs is enough . Do Not be adding to it! Thats it I am quitting, I will go work for Frank or somebody ....less crazies!"
"Have you forgot that 3 of the 4 loooove Frank ? That won't help you "
"Fuck ! " he groans....."TJ ....TJ! Get that evil look off your face woman"
Jade smiles and rubs her baby bump thinking.

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