Flashback ACM's 2013 Part 3

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Brantley POV

We got on the flight after a run in with security about a set of brass knuckles in my bag. Jade gets settled and as I sit down she yawns, I chuckle and tell her "princess get your blanket out of your bag and go ahead and get situated and we will sleep on the flight since it is almost 4 hours. She just grins and pulls it out and turns her phone on airplane mode and buckles up. I stow our bags overhead and sit down and buckle up. I don't have to worry about my phone because Jade took it and decided she would keep it, not that I minded.
In the time it took us to go from Atlanta to Nashville Jana had called me 10 timese and text me 76 times, then someone sent her a picture of me with my arm around Jade kissing her hair, and that started another tirade it was during the brass knuckles that Jade took it and told her that I was turning it off if she needed me to contact Jade.
   We take off and I turn so Jade can rest up against me and sleep she covers us up with the blanket and we snuggle.  I have to say this feel so damn good, holding her and just not doing nothing. I smile as I look down and she is already asleep. So I tip my hat down over my eyes and pull her closer enjoying the feel of her in my arms and drift off to sleep. 
  I am waking up and I feel something in my beard so I bring my hand to my face and I encounter another hand. I open one eye and Jade has her hand in my beard running her hands in it. I know she is stressed because the only time she does that is in her sleep when something has stressed her out. So may be a good thing she is with me in Vegas. I nudge her and she opens her eyes and smiles this sweet smile at me and I tell her it's time to buckle back up. We are getting ready to land. She nods and runs her fingers through my beard again and I growl low. She laughs and then her eyes go wide Caroline is holding her phone up and it has a picture of us all snuggled up and her fingers in my beard. It looks like we are about to kiss and that she is totally in my lap. But the look of happiness on Jades face well I love it. I tell Caroline to send it to me. Jade glares and said "then delete the damn thing that is all we need to get out "
Caroline laughs "like I would give it to anyone I know you both would want it so that's why I took it y'all are so damn cute together"
    We land and get out bags and get to the hotel and Thomas is waiting on us telling us to get our suits on so we can all go to the pool. I glare at him and Jade just smiles. To make her happy since Jana has been such a bitch I go pull on the pair of swim shorts and a tank top and my Nikes. I walk out of the bedroom and Jade just stops and stares at me.
"That's it in gonna go put my pants back on I told you my legs are chicken legs"
  "Oh hell no Brantley Keith you are going just like that and I really must say you are one sexy ass man. Now I know the real reason you wear pants all the time, that ass, and those legs will make a grown woman cry with need and I haven't even talked about the package yet"
"Well princess you going in that or a swimsuit?"
   "Swimsuit, going to change now"
Since I don't have my phone I flip through the TV and turn when the door opens. Damn she is so sexy in a simple black bikini. She takes my breathe away she's so pretty. I stand up and we head to the pool.
   Caroline and Luke and Thomas and Lauren were all there and of course Caroline had to say," damn BG didn't know you had sexy legs, no wonder you were pants all the time."
   I give her the middle finger salute before slipping off my tank and getting into the pool. Jade is standing on the edge and I hold my hands up and she places them on her waist and I help lift her into the pool. We spent time goofing off while the girls talked and then got out and lay on the lounge chairs.
  " how are things going BG?" Luke asks
"Pure hell right now, Jade took my phone at the airport cause Ana was blowing it up and still has it. She's pissed cause I brought Jade after she called last night and said she couldn't make it she had to work. At this point guys its over I know it Jade was right about her."

  "Man I am sorry brother. Did yall call it off?" Thomas asks

"Well I told her if she canceled and didn't come that I was done. Thing is I won't see her until August between her schedule and mine. But I meant it. I haven't been able to catch her yet but I know she's cheating. Just haven't told Jade all of that yet. Not ready to hear I told you so. "

    "BG you can call it quits without seeing her face to face. How is Jade? "

    "Ready to graduate been so busy planning her wedding when not in school that this is the first time we have had together in a while and for that reason I don't want to be fighting with her. Although between us, I hope she doesn't marry the jackass. He ain't good enough but thinks he's better than her. I just want to be able to beat his ass."

  "What do you mean thinks he's better?"  Luke asked

"Well he has been telling her how she needs to work on her image.  He hates the boots she wears and one day when she was at the house he was on the phone and told her that she was acting like some uneducated backwoods hillbilly when she told him she was about to go muddin with me at Pott's farm. I wanted to go beat his ass then. He will freak when he finds out i bought her 3 dresses and 3 pairs of Jimmy Choose shoes yesterday. Drives him apeshit crazy when I buy her anything. So every chance I get i do" I say and smirk.

Jade yells,"B ,Scott just text they have had an interview come open and want you there in an hour"

"Okay guess I need to go shower. See yall later" I tell them and get out giving both Caroline and Lauren a kiss and hug. Jade gets up and we walk hand in hand back to our suite so I can get ready and she asks," Can I go with you and then lets hit the casino?"

I grin ," you got a deal there Darlin"

     During the interview :

DJ: Welcome BG how are you liking Vegas?

BG: Vegas has been fun so far when I leave here we are gonna head on out to the casino and play some blackjack.

DJ: well we all know that you are planning a wedding so how is it going ?

BG: I guess good my only job was music and well I got that done in like 5 minutes.

DJ: Well you have someone with you care to introduce the lovely young woman?

BG: I don't mind at all this is Timber Jade Williams and she is my best friend and has been for several years.  She stood by me when I was in a very dark place in my addiction and I would die for her because of it.

DJ : is she in the business?

BG: She is going to UGA getting her degree and will be graduating next month and I am so proud of her, and yeah she is doing a double major of business and entertainment . so I bet one day you will be talking to her to get interviews with top stars.

DJ: It has been great catching up with you and look forward to it tomorrow night.
BG: Catch ya later man

   As I finish up Jade and I head to the casino and hit up the blackjack table and with her by my side I win big. But then it changes and she starts playing and she wipes the floor with me ,Jay , Luke and Caroline.
  Telling everyone goodnight we head to the room and she changes into a big T-shirt of mine and I strip down to my boxers before we crawl into bed snuggling up with her head on my chest and my arms around her.

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