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Timber Jade POV

I wake up and I know that I am safe even if I am hurting all over. I look and I see the tattoos on the arm holding me close and it's Brantley's. I just hope he didn't mess up last night by confronting Coulter. I start to move and he tightens his arm and I turn to him and he smiles and says," morning darlin"
God, his rough morning voice does something to me. Woah...he's my best friend. He doesn't see me that way. Get a grip Jade!
Brantley asks," you okay darlin?"
"Yeah I guess not sure how I feel other than I am relieved I told him to leave. I'm done B. I will not put up with this. I need to go to the police station and press charges so he can't come back to the house"
"Okay you get ready and I will take you darlin". B tells me.
As we get up and I find some of my clothes that I left here I start getting dressed. Brantley pulls on his jeans and as he heads to the bathroom someone knocks on the door. I tell him I will get it and make my way to the door and open it to see Sheriff Jackson. My stomach drops, I know he's here for Brantley.
Brantley comes down the stairs and he nods at the sheriff when he sees him at the door. Sheriff Jackson said," Brantley I have an arrest warrant for you for assault and battery."
Brantley comes over and holds out his hands and says"read me my rights" then looks to me and says," call Kolby he will know what to do, then you get ready and come down and press charges like we had planned." I nodded and watched as they loaded him into the car and then the tears start falling. I call Kolby and he tells me that he will be here in 30 minutes for me to be ready.
When Kolby pulls in I walk out and he tells me" stop crying Brantley is gonna be okay, I have bail money so he will be getting out and coming home with us and you have to hold up your end and press charges against Coulter"
  " I know Kolby I just hate that B is in this position because of me"
   "Well let me tell you he would do it all again if given half a chance"

  We reach the sheriffs department and Kolby walked in with me and I told them what I wanted to do and they told me to have a seat the sheriff would be with me in a little bit. Kolby tells them he is here to post Brantley's bail and they tell him how much and he pays it. They go get Brantley and when he comes out I go to him and hug him as tight as I can. He pulls me close telling me," baby it's all gonna be okay I'm good now have you pressed charges yet?"
  "No I am waiting on the sheriff"
  Brantley looks around and tells the clerk to get Sherriff Jackson out here right now.

   Sheriff Jackson walks out and asks what's going on. I stand up and tell him "I want to press charges against Coulter for beating me up when I told him I was done and wanted him out of my house."
Brantley says," She also needs a restraining order on him because of this"
Sheriff Jackson told the clerk to fill the papers out and had one of the deputies to take me back and take pictures of my injuries. When that was done Brantley and Kolby and I left heading back home.
Kolby dropped us off at Brantley's house and I told B that I needed to go home and clean up the mess. He told me to wait and let him get his gun and he would go over with me just in case Coulter was there or showed up. We took the RZR through the trail and went in the back door. In the kitchen floor was a pool of blood that was congealed and smelled awful. I went and got the bleach and poured it on it. Brantley told me to straiten the room up he would handle the clean up. As I am hanging the pictures back on the walls and sweeping up the broken glass I hear yelling from the kitchen. I walk in and Coulter is standing there holding a gun on Brantley screaming about how he was the problem and it was time he took care of him.
"Coulter put the gun down you don't want to do this" I tell him.
"See that's where you are wrong Timber I do want to do this. I have wanted to put a bullet through his brain ever since we got together. I see the way he looks at you and don't think I have forgotten you calling out his name in bed. So I know that you two are more than friends. You have been fucking him behind my back and you deserve everything you got last night and then some. Thing about it is the news have gotten wind that country music super star Brantley Gilbert has been arrested. So what do you think is gonna happen now he's gonna drop you like yesterday's news whore"
"Coulter don't you dare call her that again, I haven't ever slept with her. We have been nothing but friends these last 6 years. But if you think you are such a badass mother fucker why don't you come at me like a real man, one on one and not hiding behind some gun?" Brantley told him.
"Are you scared Gilbert well let's just see what happens when I fuck her and make you watch. I know you want her I see how you look at her and let me tell you something she's a good fuck although last night I saw a side of her I hadn't seen she's feisty but a good hit took that out of her. You can't stand it can you Gilbert knowing that I have been inside her, and it drives you crazy. "
"Shut your fucking mouth Coulter if you don't want me to shut it for you"

I watch as this is going on and I see Brantley is calling him out trying to make him get careless so he can reach for his gun that is in his waistband. So I distract Coulter by saying," Coulter you know that you are the one for me and I was just upset last night baby." As I make my way to him, he takes his eyes off Brantley and focuses on me and he said,"well I guess it's too late for us Timber cause the only way we can get out of this is one of us goes out in a body bag and he turns to Brantley and pulls the trigger.

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