The Doctors Visit Part 3

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Timber Jade POV

   As I stand at the door looking back at Brantley he is glaring at the door. I ask him,"You coming or what Brantley Keith?"

Growls," I'm coming don't get your panties in a wad"

"Well if you will hurry up they will be coming off" I laugh

"Woman don't be tempting me" he growls as he opens the door. I smile and go back through the doors and tell the nurse "he will be going first for testing. "
She smiles and tells me," down the hall take a left and room number 1, instructions are in the room"
As B walks past me she whispers," rooms are soundproof one rule though no penetration for you because of your test"

I nod and as we are walking down the hall B grabs my hand and is pulling me behind him when we hear," Sir, sir , siirr....she can't go in there with you"

B growls and throws his shoulders back and said," the hell she can't, I've got her what the hell do I need a magazine or movie for"

"Um ... sir... well... we .. don't do that " the guy stutters out.

"Well you might not but I sure as hell am if you want me to put my junk in that damn cup"

Gulps," yeeeeeeesssss, yyyeeeesssss, sssirr"

Brantley tugs me into the room and locks the door. I read the instructions to him and he is rolling his eyes and he said," woman I know how this works so why don't you just go ahead and do what you threatened me with in the parking lot."

"What do you mean you know how this works? How many times have you put your junk as you say in a cup?"

He growls and stalks over to me, pulling me into his arms and he leans down and kisses me. "Baby I meant I know how to jack off, did it for a whole damn year while we were apart, now I think I remember you saying if I hurried up that those panties would come off"

I run my hands up over his shoulders and pull him down to me kissing him before I reached down and undone his belt and then as I was pulling his zipper down he pulled away. "No I need visual stimulation Jade, you know like this top right here coming off and he pulls it off and throws it over his shoulder. Next I think those pants need to come off as he unzips my zipper and pulls them off. Trailing his hands over my legs and around to cup my ass.
  I take his shirt off and tell him, " I think those jeans need to come off cause we don't want them getting dirty."
  He smirks and comes out of his clothes and sits down on the couch and says," now baby I think you need to dance for me since I am not supposed to be inside you"

I turned on his favorite bump and grind playlist off his phone and started dancing and stripping while he went to work on himself watching me. I make my way closer and I run my hands over his legs as I kneel on the floor in front of him. B sucks in a breath as I replace his hands with mine. He growls"Jade I don't think I can do this, you touching me makes me want to touch you and be inside you"
"You can touch B but will have to wait for the other. Let me do this for you." I tell him.
I continue to stroke him faster and faster as he touches me gritting his teeth when I pull on his sack. He grabs the cup and I watch as he shoots hot streams of cum into the cup. He is gritting his teeth and growls as he finishes. I take the cup and put the lid on it and place it in the door and close pressing the button to let the nurses know.
Brantley motions for me to come to him, I take the towel and I kneel cleaning him up and he pulls me into his lap and he kisses me soft, slow almost torturous. I pull back and he said,"I am so sorry for my fit earlier. I was shocked and just took offense and I want you to know whether it is you or me or both, I am here for the long haul baby. I meant it when I said forever."
The tears slip down my face and he wipes them away with his thumb, "Brantley I know and if I had thought this would have been brought up today I would have prepared you. I just thought they would check me and only if I checked out okay would they check you. I know you love me but I am gonna be honest, it hurt. I am already insecure about it and that if we can't that you will leave me. That is my biggest fear, losing you."
"I ain't gonna go nowhere darlin, you are stuck with me. Now I guess we have to get dressed and go get you checked out."
When we exit the room, Brantley glares at the guy that tried to stop me from going in with him and puffs up like a proud peacock. I pull him along and the nurse gives me a gown and tells us room 5. I go in and get in the gown and get on the exam table. Brantley is walking around opening drawers and I tell him to sit down.
Dr. Thomas comes in and does the exam and explains that my uterus is not tilted and that is a good thing. He has the nurse hand him the dye and Brantley comes to stand by me holding my hand. He inserts the dye and it is very uncomfortable and as he watches the screen it lights up my uterus and it starts running into each tube and then it stops and he keeps injecting and it goes a little more but only a small line.
Dr. Thomas looks at me and I know that it is exactly what I feared. He says," your uterus looks great no damage there but the Fallopian tubes have sustained damage, not just one but both. There is a small pathway but I am going to be completely honest with you, the odds of you conceiving naturally are pretty much impossible. Now we can do in vitro fertilization where we take your eggs that is harvested after a round of hormone shots daily and combine it with Mr Gilberts sperm and then we would implant the embryo into your uterus. It is very costly and even then it isn't guaranteed. I will be upfront with you it can cost upwards of 25,000.00 a round."
Brantley squeezes my hand and says," money is not a problem for us. So let me see if I get this , it isn't impossible for us to conceive naturally just very unlikely."
"Mr Gilbert, I am going to be frank with you cause I feel like that is the kind of man you are. With this little opening I can't say impossible because of that but in all my 30 years of doing this I have never seen a pregnancy occur with this much tube blocked. But in my honest opinion if you were to conceive naturally it would be a miracle. We can start the hormone shots after your next menstrual cycle and begin to harvest the eggs. I will warn you that they cause severe mood swings, it's like PMS times a thousand."
I look at them and say," I don't know I need some time to think about all this."
Dr Thomas said," as well you should, go home talk about it and you can call and tell Nancy what you want to do."

He leaves the room and Brantley pulls me into his arms and says," I ain't going anywhere Jade, this doesn't change how I feel about you so don't think that baby."
I look at him and say," that may be true but it changes how I feel about myself"

I get dressed and we head back home.

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