Meeting Frank

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For my girls MissyDoe2017 SPaige0615 ElizabethWebb9

Brantley POV

We are working on the bus when Chase steps up and after saying hello he asks," do y'all know who the hottie is out there with Caroline and Brittany? She said she was taken but there wasn't a ring on her hand and I was just wondering if she was playing hard to get?"

  I growl and get up and head to the door. The guys just laugh and Jason said," she belongs to BG and he's about to start a show"

   When I yell and tell her that it was time to come in she tells me she's good. I just growl and stomp back on the bus and as I sit back down I eyeball Chase. He holds his hands up and said," didn't know BG that's why I asked"
  "Shit I get it Chase I do but let's just say there isn't a ring because she won't have one but I'm not giving up"

  All of a sudden Jade runs on dripping water everywhere and I ask her if everything is okay and she told us yeah she had to check the lineup. She screams and starts dancing around. I can't help but laugh, she's crazy, until I find out that she's excited about Frank Foster performing. She is in fangirl mode and it's funny to see because Luke, Jason nor Chase did she fangirl over. I know my baby is one of his biggest fans, has been for a while. I'm good with that until she tells everyone he's hot.
  I look at her and she walks to me and tells me she loves me and that she may think he's hot but I make her wet. Hell that little woman just made my damn knees buckle.

   As she goes in the back to get her shower and get ready, I look at Ben and tell him," go see if I can get a private meet and greet before Frank goes on for Jade and myself."
   Ben laughs and said," you get that for her and she's gonna be flying high for a while cause you and I both know how much she likes Frank Foster."

    "I know and as much shit as I have put her through I think that it is the least I could do to help make one of her dreams come true cause she helps mine come true every day."

   I go back and change into my jeans and tank top putting on my boots and then my chains and rings. Jade comes out and she is dressed in a tight black Frank Foster Tshirt that says Lone Chief. It stops right at her belly button and her cutoffs leave a gap of about 3 inches of tanned skin and I look down and she has on her black boots. She is wearing her hair up in this funky ponytail and her eyes are all lit up and she reminds me of when I first met her, when she was a carefree college student. I fall in love with her all over again.

  My phone beeps and I tell her," Jesse needs me to hear something he is working on but why don't you head on over with Luke and Caroline and Britt and Jason and I will meet up with you backstage. That way you can see if you can run into Frank."

"Is something wrong do I need to handle something?" She asks.

"No it's just something I asked him to work on and he wants me to hear what I think. I love you and don't you forget it princess"

" I love you and you won't ever let me forget that cause you show me every day B. Now I gotta ask so don't get mad BUUTTT I want a picture with Frank and I don't want you going all alpha caveman and starting something. Promise me that you won't?"

" I promise Jade, I know how big of a fan you are and I am okay with it besides he's happily married."

" I know he's married and well even with no ring or paper you might as well say we are too. I love you Big Daddy"

" I love you princess, now I got to go before I decide that you look too hot and I need to take these clothes off you." I say as I put my hands in her back pockets and pull her to me kissing her. I turn to leave and she smacks my ass and said," that ass is mine Gilbert"

"You know it baby, see you backstage."

  I get backstage and find Ben and I send a text to Jason so he will know where to bring Jade to meet Frank.
  I walk in the room and I introduce myself to Frank and we are talking music and I tell him "Jade has been a big fan for a long time.She has all your CD's but has never been to a live show because of school and being on tour with me over the years and then her ex refused to let her go. She  has met a lot of music stars but none of us ever saw her fan girl like she did today over you"
He laughed and said," I really want to meet this little lady. Sounds like she is like my song Real Woman. "
" oh that she is, I have put her through some rough shit but she always stands by my side and helps make my dreams come true every day and I just want to make the one of her meeting you come true. "

As we stand there and I tell him our background I hear," Brantley Keith Gilbert you promised me not 30 minutes ago you were gonna behave, now step away from that man before I shoot you with your own gun"

Frank laughs and hits me on the shoulder," she is exactly like you described full of sass." Then he turns to Jade and says," Hey sugar i hear that you are a fan and that BG wanted to make you meeting me happen. So I'm Frank and I am happy to meet a beautiful woman who loves my music ."

  Jade stands there speechless looking from me to Frank and when Frank pulls her in for a hug I have to bite my tongue cause I promised to behave.  He lets her go and she looks at me and then Frank again and that is when Ben spoke up," hell if we knew that you would shut her up we would be carrying you everywhere we go"
Jade spun around and narrowed her eyes and said," you shut your damn mouth jolly green giant cause if I need to remind you that I can control a lot of things even you getting laid, do I need to remind you or you want what happened to B to happen to you tonight?"

Ben paled and said," Shit TJ I was just kidding and you know that"

" you know I don't kid about anything that has to do with Frank Foster." Then she turned to Frank and said," Hi I am Timber Jade or TJ and yes I am a big fan. Sorry about my reaction it's just I have been waiting a long time to get to meet you. Now can I get a picture?"

"Sure you can, I would be a fool to turn down a picture with a pretty woman"  Frank said causing me to growl.
Jade looked at me and said," I done told you that he was hot Big Daddy but you are the one who makes me went so alpha down and take the damn picture"

Frank just laughs at us and I said," see what I was telling you about piss and vinegar"

Jade popped back," did you also tell him I was sweet as honey"

"Timber Jade don't think that because your fangirl crush is here I won't bend you over my knee and spank that ass"

"Promises, promises" she tells me then turns to Frank and asks," Is Miss Ashli here cause I want to meet the woman behind the man"

"She is and should be getting back here any time now." He tells her.

The rest of the gang comes up and introduces theirselves to Frank and we all hang out and cut up before his set. His wife Ashli comes up and she fangirls a little over all of us but nothing compared to Jade.

It's time for Frank to take the stage so for the first little bit I stand behind Jade and enjoy the look of pure joy on her face. She turns to me and says," thank you for making one of my dreams happen. I love you!"

I look at her and turn her around about the time Frank starts singing Real Woman and I pull her close and slow dance with her to this song not caring that we had an audience. "Jade I love you and today when you walked out ready to go I fell in love with you all over again just like that first day we met. You are my real woman and I know we have been through some rough shit but I want you to know that I want you until I take my last breath. I know you say we don't need rings or a piece of paper to make us the others but I want what Frank and Ashli have, and what our friends have. I want a marriage with you, so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that we belong to each other. Sooo please think about it."
She looks up at me with unshed tears and kisses me and said," I will think about it. I love you"
  And with that I kiss her again as the song ends  and I tell her," enjoy the rest of the show I need to go get in the zone."
She kisses me one more time before she lets me go, as I'm walking off I hear her say," all mine ladies and Mama is getting lucky tonight"
I just laugh cause that is my woman.

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