Making up?

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Timber Jade POV

    Brantley drove us back to the hotel and on the way back I pretended that I dozed off. I really didn't want to talk anymore about today and our fight. I hate fighting with B and he knows that but it happens when he tries to give me some stupid double standard or I just have to call him out on his bullshit. I can't stay mad for long and neither can he, usually it's only an hour at the longest that we are mad, cause we can't not talk to the other one.
   I don't want to even think about how Kip got my phone number, I was expecting B to blow up again but he just kissed my head and said if that didn't work he would handle it. Caroline said this might be what gets his head out of his ass and makes him see what is right in front of his eyes. I tried to protest and Britt reminded me of girls night a couple months back when Coulter had been off on a ride and I spent the weekend in Nashville with her and Jay, and I got drunk and spilled my feelings. I don't remember a lot of that night or what I said. They both told me that drunk words were sober thoughts. That's when I broke down and admitted to them and myself tonight that I love B. But I can't have him, he has this single for life motto. Besides he's still not totally over losing Amber, no matter what kind of front he puts on I know he's still hurting that they couldn't make it work even though they split peacefully.
    Then I think of me and all the baggage that I have with this deal with Coulter, I mean he killed a man for me. How do I deal with that?
So I guess his motto will be one that I take up single for life , cause like I told them, I love him but I can never tell him. It changes to many things and I don't think I would survive if I lost him. I want to tell him but I can't take a chance that I will lose him. So he will be my best friend and that way I can sleep in his bed and never be alone.
  We park and he shakes me and I stretch and look around. He laughs and said," come on let's get you to bed dancing diva"
  I smack his arm and said," hey I can dance besides I loved that the girls gave Luke a hard time"
"That was the highlight of the night, we all loved that one and Jay loved what you told the girls about dancing and staying classy"
"I know it's hard for him but someone has to tell them and if he did they would just think he was being overprotective. Me well it comes off as cool cause I'm not old"
We get to the room and as I am in the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth B comes in to brush his and he says," how about you and I go out to dinner tomorrow night just the two of us"

  I stop and look at him and said," why?

"Well I want to take you out to a good meal to make up for being such an asshole today and maybe some dancing, so what do you say?"

"Okay it sounds good to me, you know I love dinner and dancing  but you don't have to do that, we are good. I get it. Kip is a coworker so to speak and that was hard for you. I never thought anything about it. Like I said it was a little after we met and I never thought another thing about it."

"Well you have a life outside of you and me and I know that it just surprised me today cause I honestly thought we talked about everything and I had no clue about him "
"I know and I'm sorry B I never thought this would happen and we do tell each other everything now but maybe not then."

"Thanks Jade for forgiving me"

"Well B, I may have gotten over being mad but you still have a lot to make up for buddy"

He laughs and wipes his mouth off and said," I know I do darlin. Now let's hit the hay since I have a ton of work tomorrow since I couldn't get anything done this afternoon."

     I turn and head to the bed pulling the covers back and I slip off my pants and bra before crawling into bed. I set my alarm and plug my phone in and I watch as he slips out of his pants and into the bed doing the same things as me.

He said," get over here girl you know you can't sleep good unless you are cuddled up on my chest and if you don't sleep I don't sleep."

I do as he says cause he is right, there is nothing that makes me feel safer and that all is right in the world like sleeping on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

"Goodnight B, love you"

"Night darlin, I love you too"

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