Special Interview with Katie Cook Part 2

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Jade POV

  I am in the bathroom and I hear Brantley's boots on the stairs. I finish brushing my teeth and look to the door as he leans against the frame,"Baby are you sure you are up for this interview? I can do it and announce it by myself if I need to."
"B i am okay and we are gonna make this announcement together. I just need to do one more walk through the house to make sure everything is still clean cause I am sure Katie will be here shortly." as I walk over and slide my hands around his waist laying my head on his chest. He pulls me close and whispers"this means its real right"
"Yeah its real we are having a baby" I look up and he kisses me softly like I am a piece of glass. I can feel the love in his kiss. Since we have found out his emotions about the baby are right under the surface. I caught him looking at his sonogram picture of the baby and crying just last week while getting ready for a show. I pull out of his arms to go through the house and make sure that it is in tip top shape. B trails me from room to room and is telling me everything looks fine. I go with B in the razor to pick Katie up from the veterans cabins.
   As we pull up Katie is coming out and I ask," are you ready to see the new addition our house here on the farm?"
   " I can't wait to see what you have picked out" Katie tells me.
As I get in the razor Brantley starts it up and we ride through the trails that have been cleared. We pull up to our house and Katie says,"if the inside is anything like the outside how do you leave here?"
Laughing B says,"well up until now we haven't had this always stayed in the main lodge if we came out here. "
  "Well why now have you decided to build something when I have heard you have a secluded cabin here already?"
   " well Katie we decided that since we were married we needed our own place here at the farm. Yeah there is a cabin but that is just for us a small 3 room cabin. I mean we are still newlyweds so to speak so  we need privacy at times and the comings and going in the main lodge doesn't give you that ." Brantley tells her making Jade blush.

" Speaking of married life how is it going ? "

" if I had know being married was this great I  would have done it all those years ago when I met Jade. "
"Well Jade what is it like being married to country music's outlaw?"
   " I would guess that it was like being to any other man. I mean we have disagreements just like every other couple the thing is we are expected to live our lives out in the open. Everyone has an opinion on everything we do or don't do. I mean lets be honest BG Nation is amazing but at the same time they are pretty vocal about anything that has to do with Brantley . I am just glad they approve of me, cause I know they haven't always agreed with his choices."

BG laughs "yeah well what can I say they have a reason to be that way cause I haven't always made the best choices. That is something that any one can find out just by google ."

"What are some things they are vocal about?" Katie asks as we walk through the kitchen .

"Well my music and how they feel I am overlooked at award show time, things that I post on social media, Jade, really anything in my life and it's okay cause I don't call them fans I have always called them friends."

"Since you brought up your music it has been a while since you released your last album The Devil Don't Sleep , any new music in the works and is any of them about Jade?" She says winking at me .
Laughing B answers "yeah I am working but then that is nothing new, I am always writing and recording. And like I have said my albums are chapters in my life, so yeah Jade will be on there she has been on all my albums since I met her and on the soon to never be released album. She has had love songs, party songs, breakup songs , you name it I have written it about her. She is my world and I am one blessed man because she gets me and loves me.
Outlaw in Me was written about her and when I really realized that I loved her and all the reasons I loved her. I will tell you that you will be hearing me sing one of her favorite songs by Frank Foster on the new album but you will have to wait to find out which one it is."

"Jade how does this spotlight affect you because for quite a few years you have had your own consulting PR firm with some big names Dale Jr, Kenny Chesney, Florida Georgia Line, Kip Moore to name just a few. How do you make a marriage work like that?"
  "Well Katie it takes work and we often butt heads because we both feel that we are always right. We have learned to compromise and that's not to say that we still don't argue because we do. We have come to an understanding that I know my job and I am good at it and he learned to back off and let me do it. "
Katie laughs," was that before or after she threw something at you BG?"
Ducks his head and rubs the back of his neck,"well let's just say she made me see the error in my ways, more than once. We haven't had the fairy tale love story like most want to believe. We have had some rough moments, and I was an ass. I fully admit that and that is the reason I say she loves me flaws and all. "

As we make our way to the living room to sit down and finish the interview Katie asks,"Your home is lovely here on the farm but why so big ? It's almost as big as your home in Georgia so can we assume that there are plans for additions to the Gilbert family?"
Brantley looks at me as he takes my hand and smiles"Yeah we have been trying since we got married. It's been a long difficult process the road of infertility. Most everyone knows that Jade was attacked and beaten pretty bad and that lead to some damage to her body. We had two doctors tell us that it would be impossible to conceive without invitro. We talked about it but Jade didn't want to do that so we have been trying a lot and prayers have went up on our behalf from our family and friends. They have walked this road with us by our side giving us encouragement and laughter when we weren't sure we could laugh again. It has been the roughest watching Jade month after month and I couldn't take her heartache away. I know most people ask that question and I have always given the answer well we are both goal oriented and want things a certain way but in all honesty we were trying it just wasn't happening."
Katie wipes tears and looks at both of us," I'm so sorry for asking but thank you for sharing and being so open with us."
"It's okay Katie we feel that it is time to let BG Nation know that in a few months come late August or September there is going to be an addition to the Gilbert family, Jade is pregnant." B says and his eyes start to water. Katie is wiping tears away and smiles,"Congratulations! So how did you find out?"
"Well Katie I was here opening weekend of the tour and was finishing up the last of the paper work and I don't usually miss opening show but it looked like I was gonna have to. Kolby was here with me and he had made me angry and I yelled at him. And he asked was it that time of the month, and I realized that I had not bought products since November. I packed a bag had him take me to the airport and bought a test, well 3 tests , and took them while I was waiting for my flight"  I tell her.
Brantley says," I was coming back to get a quick shower cause a fan had spilled beer on me and I ran on the bus and saw Jade gave her a quick kiss and headed to clean up. When I got out laying on top off my jeans was a pregnancy test. I was stunned, I hit my knees and just stared as the tears flowed. Jade came back to see if I passed out and I looked up at her and I could see it all over her face. We were going to be parents, I just thanked God right then and there for those answered prayers. All the prayers that had gone up for us we were looking at a miracle. When we went to the doctor for confirmation he tried to tell us the body sometimes tricks us into thinking it was pregnant and it really isn't. I let him know right quick we were and it was a miracle baby. There isn't much that gets me tore up but this baby well I can't look at a sonogram picture without tearing up. He or she is loved so much already. I keep a copy in my wallet and when I get frustrated I pull it out and know I have been blessed more than I deserve."
  "Don't forget to tell her that you almost passed out when they did the sonogram "I say laughing.
"I did not you have no proof" B tells me
Katie wipes her eyes as she is laughing ," wow that is so amazing and thank you both for sharing that news with me to be able to share with BG Nation. I know there will be many prayers going up for Mama and baby. Thank you both for inviting me into your home and sharing such a private part of your lives with me. I think he is just a big teddy bear on the inside and looks like we might see it more with the new addition to the Gilbert family"
I laugh," that he is Katie, thank you for coming and showing everyone what those closest to him already know, that he is true and genuine and his heart is the biggest one I have ever seen. He's rough and tough on the outside but a heart of gold on the inside and me and baby Gilbert are blessed to call him ours."

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