Moving & Child Protective Serives

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*Elvira Louisa Adams above*
*Hands to Heaven: Breathe-1988; for Elvira and Georgie's parting of ways*

Setting: 1989; now week later from previous chapter...

Between the packing, church, and visiting Bailey, there was little to no time for Georgie and Elvira to have that much needed conversation. At first he had hoped that Elvira would be coming with them, but his anger only fueled when his mother announced at dinner that child services would be coming for her the same day they were to be leaving...which now is the very next day after this. There is so much Georgie wants to ask Elvira and talk to her about, but what he knows they don't have on their side is time. Dinners are silent after prayer since Bailey's accident and each has their own way of dealing with it. For Sheldon: he repressed her very existence, closed off most the little feelings he did have, and focused souly on his smarts; Missy put a facade, getting interested in adult women type things, for George, his focus becomes beer and football mostly, Mary becomes more religious and determined to protect her other three babies. For Georgie, his focus becomes Elvira and football, and when the time comes, it would souly become football alone...

"Hey E?" He whispers as he lies awake in bed, "you up?"

"..." the sound of moving comes from Bailey's old bed as Elvira turns to face him, "ya..."

"Can't sleep?" He asks her in a whisper

"No," she whispers back, "you?"

"No," he whispers back, "Wanna sneak out and look at the stars?"

"Sure," she whispers

Quietly as possible, they make their way from the beds and to the window that leads to the back yard, Georgie jumps out of it first before turning back and holding out his arms to catch Elvira when she jumps. She gives him a flirty smirk and trusts him full heartedly as she more along the lines of falls into his arms rather than jumping. He catches her with with ease-bridal style, and spins around with her still in his arms and a smile on both of their faces before he lets her carefully down. This would be their last night together and neither one of them wanted it to end as they laid on the grass starring up at the stars above them. They lay with one arm behind Georgie's head, his other wrapped around Elvira's waist as she's snuggled up close to him with her head on his chest...

"Hey E?" He says quietly

"Hm?" She replies to him

"We need to talk bout-" he starts

"Let's not ruin what little time we have left together with serious conversation," she whispers to him as she tries to nuzzle into him more, "it'll only lead to a fight, and I don't wanna fight with you on our last night together Georgie, please?"

"But what if we never see each other again," he asks her as his grip around her waist tightens slightly

"They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder," she whispers to him, "And that if you love something, you should let it go."

"I don't wanna let you go," he whispers, then huffs, "I don't even wanna move."

"Huh," she sighs, "and you think it's any easier fur me?" She whispers back, "whether you stay in Galveston, or move to Medford," she whispers as she wraps her arms around his chest, "we'd still be ripped apart by child services-"

"I wish we could take ya with us," he whispers to her, "I never did get what you saw in me-"

"What do ya mean by that?" She asks now sitting up to look at him

"I'm the dumb brother," he mutters still looking to the stars

"Why're you the dumb brother?" She asks getting mad at him, "Sure books ain't yer thing Georgie," she whispers as she caresses his cheek with her warm hand, "But book knowledge ain't nothin if y'all don't have a little muscle and street smarts to go with that...Sheldon might have a brain on 'im," she sighs out as his eyes finally meet hers, "but he's scrawny and has no upper body strength...he ain't gonna be able to protect a girl like you can. He don't always know when not to say somethin neither," she adds, "if I wanted a book worm I wouldn't have fallen for the boy that's lying here with me now...I love you Georgie Cooper."

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