NERD FEST VII: Bailey's Choice I-Tardis & DeLorean

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*Back yo the future pic*
*Dr. Who-The Ballad Of Russell & Julie-Wrap Party Special*
*And as for the title, it was shorter than putting 'Nerd Feast VII: Bailey's Choice I-Dr. Who & Back to the Future,' so deal with it people😜*

Setting: beginning of June, few weeks before Barry & Bailey's wedding; the Hofstetter's apartment...

"Everybody ready?" Bailey squeals happily as she and the gang sit around for their binging of Dr. Who

"Ya!" All the guys cheer

"So we will start-" Sheldon beings

"Where I left off with season twenty six of the original Dr. Who and go from there," Bailey cuts him off and says in a commanding voice

"Would you be will to take a quiz on seasons one through twenty five to see how well you recall them, or if-" Sheldon starts

"I'll take yer damn test while we watch the last season Shelly," she declares to him with confidence, "now make the test, Raj get the popcorn, Leonard put the first dvd in, Howard get the drinks, Barry the lights and lets start this shit!"

"YA!" All the other guys cheer, while Sheldon just looks at her with wide eyes

"Then let's go," Bailey tells them as she claps her hands together, "move, move, move!"

     They all practically jump to get moving, Raj makes six bags of popcorn while Howard gets the drink: sodas for the guys and water for Bailey; Sheldon types up, prints out his test, and gives it to Bailey as Leonard puts the first dvd in, Barry get the lights and they all settle back down in the living room for the show...

"Skip the intro and credit," Bailey declares as she finishes Sheldon's test, "here's your stupid test Shelly."

Sheldon remains quiet as he grades the test and the others bing watch the seven hours that are the twenty sixth season of the original Dr. Who series. Another hour and a half, watching the nineteen-ninety six movie...

"Well," Sheldon start halfway through the movie, "you missed two questions and got several wrong-"

"I ain't got an eidetic memory and though my IQ is higher than Georgie and Missy's," she explains to him with a sigh, "it's still lower that yers-I don't recall shit that happened when I was like-eighteen months old like you do...and the two I skipped over were math questions, Shelly-I ain't never been good at mathematics, unless it has ta do with historical dates and y'all know it," she tells him, "so don't y'all go givin' me shit."

"Alright," he replies awkwardly then goes quiet as they go back to watching the movie

They spend the next two days just bing watching seventy one hours of the continuation of Dr. Who series; during that time they all get sucked into the Sci-fi action, drama and just all of it. Sheldon in his spot, Howard and Raj on the cushions next to him, Barry in the chair and Bailey on the arm next to Sheldon; by the end of the final episode, Bailey is conked out: falling off the arm and falling into Sheldon's lap...

"HELP ME," he whispers to the others, ready to have a panic attack from his older sister unintentionally invading his personal space

"..." Leonard, Howard and Raj all look too the situation as does Barry

"How're we gonna move her?" Leonard whispers

"Are you kidding?" Howard whispers to them, "none of us have the upper body strength to move her-or any woman for that matter: sleeping, pregnant, or otherwise."

"We could just wake her up," Raj whispers in his suggestion

"No don't," Sheldon disagrees in a whisper, "Bay can be-and excuse my crude language-bitchy when she gets woken up before daylight hours."

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