Unexpected Surprise

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Setting: back in Elvira's apartment; Georgie wakes to the sound of his phone going off...

"Yea?" He asks still half asleep

"Are y'all seriously still asleep charming?"

"Erika?" He asks as he slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes, "it was a late night; What's up?"

"I need ya ta come down ta city hall," she tells him

"What fur?" He asks her

Ta be a witness ta my third marriage," she tell him simply

"?!" This news wakes Georgie up instantly, "Yer doin What?! Ain't it still a bit early ta be-"

"Y'all gonna come or not?" She cuts him off

"We'll be right there," he sighs heavily in defeat as he hangs up the phone, "E!"

"..." no answer

     He glances down onto the cot next to him, where his little cowgirl is still fast asleep and clinging to his clothes; he leans down and kisses head before undoing her firm grip on his shirt and quietly getting up. He goes to the bathroom to freshen up a bit, then knocks on Elvira's bedroom door...

"What's up Cowboy?" She mumbles as she opens it

"Erika's gettin hitched," he tells her, "she wants me down at city hall ta be a witness ta it."

"Get Hyla up," she tells him as she goes to get ready, "we can't just leaver 'ere alone."

It isn't long before Elvira, Georgie and Hyla are all in Elvira's car heading for City Hall; they arrive just in time to hear the happy pair get called, and Georgie stops Erika just before she goes in...

"Erika!" He calls out as she's about to step into the other room, "wait."

"I was starting ta think ya wouldn't make it Charmin," she tells him with a bright smile

"Are ya sure this is what y'all want?" He asks pulling her back towards him as she tries to leave, "and that ya aren't rushing inta this?"

"..." she stares at him a moment, then smiles at him, "Thanks fur the concern," she tells him, "but I know it's what I want."

Georgie sigh, then follows her into the room with Elvira following him-Hyla in her arms-the whole events is quite short, and it isn't long before both Georgie and Elvira are signing their names to the witness lines. It isn't until later at the usual group dinner that all is revealed as every accept: Raj, Bailey, Georgie, Elvira and Hyla all stare in question at Erika being in attendance...

"So," Bailey starts, breaking the intense silence around them all, "its mighty fine ta see ya again so soon Erika."

"You too Bay," she replies smiling

"What brings ya 'ere though?" Bailey asks the question on almost all around her minds

"Raj invited me," she states simply with a smile

"Yes," Sheldon starts, "but why?"

"Shelly-" Bailey warns him

"Oh, right," Raj says, now remembering that they don't know yet, "guys," he starts to his friends, "Erika and I are married nw."

"WHAT?!" Everyone accept Georgie, Elvira and Hyla exclaim as Bailey bursts out laughing

"Since when?" Bernadette asks in shock

"Since noon today," Raj tells them

"We went down ta city hall and tied the knot," Erika replies with a smile

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