Disowning Sheldon

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Setting: March 17, 2019; just after a live world wide casted television interview...

The drive back from the interview is filled with intense silence; no one utters a word, still in shock and disbelief of what had just aspired to cause Bailey's interview to come to an early end. Bailey sits in the passengers seat of her mother's rental car, wide eyed, still in a state of shock as she stares straight out the windshield. In the back seat sits Missy, Sheldon, and Georgie-like old times, when they were younger. Bailey's world wide, live television interview came with the extended invitation to the presences of her immediate family and MeeMaw volunteered to stay at the hotel with Elvira, Billy, Aunt Anna, Uncle Ed, and the kids-or as she called them: feisty, dumbo, Weedy, Stumpy, and the youngins. Amy and Barry had to work, but Sheldon-to all of his friends and Caltech's relief-took the day off to attend the interview with his family.

Georgie sits wedged in the middle back seat between Missy and Sheldon: Missy starring out one window in boredom, Sheldon zoned out in his own little scientific world, and Georgie constantly glancing over at his younger brother in disbelief he could actually do something so dumb. Mary drives in silence, she preferred it that way to all four of her grown children shouting and arguing. The events of the interview still replaying in their minds-accept for Sheldons that is...

~what happened in short~

Bailey and her family sit at a long table in a large room filled with many reporters asking all sorts of questions; Bailey sitting front and center, with Georgie on her right, Missy on his other side, Mary to Bailey's left and Sheldon on her other side-claiming it as his spot. Bailey and her family-when asked-answer all questions given to them as accurately and with polite smiles. Bailey rolls her eyes and laughs at some of Missy and Georgie's answers and stories as responses to the questions. Mary nervously giving her answers as the questions come her way, but it's when one report asks for the story behind what placed Bailey in the coma, that it all went wrong...

"So we had just returned home from church," Bailey starts to explain, "and we were all playin' out front-sort of," She snickers with a smile, "Melissa and I were throwin' a ball around-"

"That's wrong," Sheldon cuts her off

"Wh-What?" Bailey asks with a dry laugh as she fights confusion tho keep the smile intact and all attention falls onto him

"We hadn't just returned from church," Sheldon tells her

"Ya we did Shelly," Missy chuckles

"No," he argues, "we did not."

"Leave it be Sheldon," Georgie tells him with a snap

"But that would be inaccurate," he states

"Shelly-" Mary starts

"How exactly is Bailey wrong Dr. Cooper?" A report asks him

"Well-" he starts

"Shelly!" Bailey snaps, slamming her hands down on the table with fear evident on her face as she stands

"..." all stare at her for this outburst

"Have a seat baby," Mary tells her quietly as she pulls her back down into her seat

"You see," Sheldon continues as Bailey slowly sits back down and all the attention turns back to him, "in actuality, after we returned from church..."

"..." Bailey's heart pounds rapidly in her chest with each word her younger brother speaks

"Bay was inside with our mother, father, and MeeMaw," he tells the reporters as they listen and hang on his every word, eating them up, "telling them about being raped the summer prior by her best friend: Elvira's father; while Georgie, Missy and I were outside: I was reading my advanced chemistry book, Missy was playing with the ball and Georgie was shooting hoops. Our father soon started shouting and came out with his shotgun, heading for his car while our mother was crying inside. The three of us all went in, to find out what was going on, only to be ushered out by our MeeMaw and Bay came out this time," he explains to them, "Georgie started questioning Bay, which caused Bay to start crying, Missy-I suspect-was trying to distract her by playing ball, I went to sterilize myself and came back to my book as Georgie went into talk with Mom and MeeMaw," he continues to reiterate, "Bay threw the ball to Missy; Missy missed the catch, it went into the road, and Missy went after it. Only car was coming at a rapid speed, and I froze up in my spot as Bay ran out and pushed her out of the way-being hit by the car herself-"

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