Interview with Wil

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Setting: Mid January; Barry & Bailey's apartment, while Barry's at Caltech...

Bailey is sitting on the couch her and Barry's now shared apartment watching the television as she brushes out her wet hair from having just showered. She hums lightly to herself as she does so with a smile on her face, she gazes at herself in a hand mirror; she gazes at her extremely long hair from her years of being asleep and her happy demeanor soon disappears with the thoughts of the hears she was robbed of. Her expression now dull from her thoughts, gets up, goes to the kitchen, she takes a pair of scissors and goes back to the couch. She flips off the television and uses it as a mirror as she trims down her 'Rapunzel' hair from its long length to just below her shoulders. A knock soon comes to the door, and she glances over at the clock for the time...

"Shit," she mutters to herself upon seeing it, the knock comes again, "one sec!"

     Bailey scrambles around to clean up the mess she she made with cutting her hair, shakes her head over the trash can free of left over loose hairs from cutting it and then practically slides over to answer the door...

"Howdy!" She greets smiling brightly

"Hey Bay," Wil Wheaton greets

"Come on in Wesley," she tells him

"Hahaha," he laughs as he enters with his podcast stuff, "please don't call me that."

"Y'all prefer Crusher then?" She asks chuckling as they both take a seat on the couch

"I prefer 'Wil' ya know-my name," he tells her

"But that's so-ordinary," she tells him

"And Bay isn't?" He asks wit( a slight laugh

"There is at least five different definition for my nickname," she tells him, "1. a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward; 2. an evergreen Mediterranean shrub of the laurel family, with deep green leaves and purple berries. Its aromatic leaves are used in cooking and were formerly used to make triumphal crowns for victors or a similarly aromatic tree or shrub of North America, especially the bayberry used in the preparation of bay rum; 3. a recessed or enclosed area, in particular; 4. (of a horse) brown with black points or a bay horse; 5. (of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly or the sound of baying, especially that of hounds in close pursuit of their quarry," she list off to him, "it can also be a body of water," she adds in as well, "how many meanings does yer name/nickname have?"

"..." he just stares at her with an odd look on his face

"That's what I thought," she says with a smirk, "let's get this shin-dig started shall we?"

"Yea," he agrees, "let me just finish setting up here-"

"So how long are these 'podcast' thingies?" She asks him, "cause most of taday's technological advances are like crazy foreign ta me," she tells him with a bit of a laugh then sighs out, "I honestly don't know how this shit works..."

"Usual about half hour to forty five minutes," Wil tells her, "an hour at the longest...Why?-got somewheres you need to be?"

"No," she says with a smile, "not at all-or at least not yet anyways."

And...we...are...set," he tells her as he finishes setting up the microphones, "now," he says as he picks up the headphones and holds them out to her, "you do know what these are right?"

"Uhm...headphones aren't they?" She asks him

"Yes," he tells her with a smile, "and these are microphones," he tells her gesturing to them, "you ready?"

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