Paper Moon

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*It's Only A Paper Moon: Ella Fitzgerald*

Setting: June 2020; Bailey is just starting her fourth month of  pregnancy...

"We're home!" Bailey calls out as she enters the empty apartment with Austin strapped to her front, Tucker strapped to her backside, baby badges on either arm, and bags hanging from her arms from being out shopping, "Ok," she sighs out as she closes the door with her foot and sets the bags down on the floor, "Ok, boys," she sighs again as she carries them into the nursery, setting the baby bags down, and unstrapping Tucker from behind her, "lets get ya bathed, changed, Fed, burped and down fur a nap before daddy gets home, so mommy can 'ave a nap before startin' dinner."

     Bailey makes quick work of bathing, changing, feeding, burping and putting the twins down for their nap; she waits five minutes to be sure they're out, before setting a timer and conking out in her and Barry's bed in their room. Her nap seem all too short-the time set for an hour, but only feels like a minute or two when it goes off and wakes her-she yawns, rubs her eyes, pins her hair back and goes to start dinner. As soon as dinner is in the oven, Bailey runs her hand across her forehead as she lets out a sigh and goes to dry herself a hot bath. Between her pregnancy, the twins, filming, and taking care of things around the apartment, she has barely had much time to herself or for it to be just her and Barry. By the time she's finished with her bath, has the table set and dinner on it, Barry's walking through the door...

"Hey, I'm home," she hears him call

"I made my MeeMaw's famous brisket," she tells him with a warm, yet tired smile, "with smashed red potaters, fried red bell peppers and French cut green beans," she tells him as she seems to nervously fiddle with her engagement and wedding rings around her finger, "I also baked an apple pie and whipped cream from scratch-" she adds as she continues wringing her hands, "and vanilla ice cream from scratch..." she says looking at him tired yet surprised face, "too much; it's too much, isn't it?"

"No," Barry tells her after a moment

"Oh," she whines out, "it is too much," she stresses, putting her hands to her forehead as she sinks, "I'm sorry," she says starting to cry, "I-i-its just," she sniffles, "first I was cravin' pickles and ice cream..." she heaves, "Th-Then I smelled a fresh apple muffin in the bakery," sobs, "and started hankerin' fur everythin' and anythin' apple related," she goes on between her tears, "and then the lightbulb went on in my head: 'no, I want pumpkin pie,' but not just any pumpkin pie," she continues, "my gran Cooper's pumpkin pie and homemade whipped cream-the only positive thing ta come outta bein' babysat by 'er growin' up," she sniffles and sighs out, "Georgie and I use ta constantly hope she'd bake it whenever we went there-but was rare when she would...Georgie and I could sit and finish at least six of 'er pumpkin pies between the two of us..."

"Um...okay-wow," Barry starts wide eyed, and jaw hanging as he scratches the side of his head with his thumb, "Wets eat-" he tells her, "but fiwst," he says as he takes off his shoes and goes over to their record player with the plastic bag he has been carrying, "I finawwy found that song," he tells her as he pulls out a record, putting it in the player and making it just loud enough to hear, but not loud enough to wake the twins

"Wherever did y'all find it?" She asks him, completely awestruck as the tune starts playing

"A thwift stowe," he shrugs as he hold his hand out to her to dance

"The food'll get cold," she chuckles

"So what?" He smirks, "It'ww stiww taste fine."

"I wish the circus still existed," she sighs out as they dance, "I ain't never gotta go and I always wanted ta..."

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