NERD FEST II: Lord of the Rings Marathon!

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*Sheldon as Gollum from 'lord of the rings' movies*

Setting: December 24, 2018; Christmas Eve...

     With Connie having forced the information out of her grandchildren the night prior, fights and apologizes went round before she finally let her grandchildren leave the room to go to bed. The next morning is filled with intense silence as Bay bitterly ignores everyone, despite Sheldon's reluctant and unmeant apology to her, and her reluctance to accept it, she is still pissed at him for saying that he hated her, and pissed at both Georgie and Elvira for spilling her feelings for Barry Kripke to Sheldon, Missy, Mary and Connie. Just as she had thought, Sheldon did not take the news of her date and feeling for the man very well-he threw a hissy fit and tried to use 'the force' to make her head explode or something. After they all parted ways to bed, Bailey lied awake for hours, thinking about what mattered to her more: her feelings for a guy she only had a handful of dates with and hardly knew, or her family. She knew the rest of her family would encourage her to go for it if she really likes this man, but she wanted her whole family to be on board with it...

"I've got somethin' ta say," Bailey finally speaks, once just about all of her family is accounted for in the kitchen

"..." they all stare quietly at her

"..." she's quietly for a moment as her eyes fall onto Sheldon, "I'm sorry fur all the drama last night," she says quietly, still eyeing him, "especially over somethin' so insignificant and trivial as a stupid little crush that means nothin'-"

"Bay-" Elvira starts

"Let me finish," she cuts her off, "family comes first before all else," she continues, "I was bein' selfish and got blind sided by my first crush...and I'm sorry that. It won't happen again."

By the end of her words, Georgie looks pissed off, Elvira looks disappointed, Mary, Missy and Connie look sad, Amy looks confused as Uncle Ed does, and Sheldon looks over joyed as the kids in the room are little and could careless what's happening around them. All of Sheldon's friends shared somewhat similar looks with everyone but Sheldon on her news...

"Oh Bay!" Sheldon exclaims as he hugs her, "I'm so glad you came to your senses!"

"Ya," she sighs heavily, "me too."

"Lets marathon 'lord of the rings' and 'the hobbit' movies!" He exclaims happily

"Sure Shelly," she says as they pull away, "go get 'em."

"Oh goody!" He exclaims as he runs off to get the dvds

"Bay-" Mary starts

"I ain't gonna go back ta California," she announces, "I'll find a job 'ere-don't gotta worry bout runnin' it Barry if we ain5 in the same state..."

"And y'all call me the dumb brother," Georgie mutters, pissed

"No, y'all only ever called yerself that," Bailey tells him with a sigh

"Why the hell are ya lettin' Sheldon dictate yer life?!" He snaps at her

"I ain't!" She snaps back

"Like hell ya aren't!" He snaps again

"Yer gonna stop likin' a fella just cause he don't like 'im," Missy adds in, "that's crazy!"

"Family comes first," she states

"Shelly don't like Billy," Missy tells her, "that don't mean I'm gonna stop seein' 'im just ta please Sheldon-"

"Yer sister's right Bay," Mary tells her, "though I agree with ya that family comes first, ain't nobody can tell ya or have control over who ya love baby."

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