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*Soft Kitty-this was the best version I could find of the song, so please bare with the sound effects and extra stuff at the end is it*
*Hyla Constance Cooper above*

Setting: Mid September...

     The dreaded day of Georgie and Elvira's fears has finally come, Hyla's surgery; they got to the hospital early in the morning, and everyone else came a bit later. Now they all wait nervously as the procedure is being done, only one person was aloud to be with her until she was unconscious from the anesthesia and to no one surprise, the little girl chose her mother. Elvira has been gripping Georgie's hand tight for dear life ever since she came back out of the waiting room; she is terrified of possibly losing her daughter in a surgery that is supposed to help her. Georgie just sits quietly starring at a wall while she's holds his hand like her life depends on it, his mind blank. Neither one of them wanted to lose their little girl; Elvira tried to shield her from every little thing she could since her birth, out of fear of the things she saw on the news: murders, kidnappings, Abductions etc. and yet she blamed herself constantly for Hyla losing her voice in the first place. She didn't have many regrets, but if her baby girl died today, she knows her heart will shatter into a million pieces and she will never be able to live with herself...

"I'm gonna get a coffee," Penny announces, "anybody want anything?"

"I'll come with you," Bernadette says getting up as well

"Me too!" Sheldon says wanting to get out of the hospital

"They ain't leavin the hospital Shelly," Bailey tells him, "they're just goin ta the cafeteria."

"Oh," he says as he sits back down as the girls leave

"They said it'd only take five ta forty five minutes," Elvira sighs, clearly worried

"It's only been-" Bailey starts

"It's been fifty minutes Bay," Georgie finally speaks, as it turns out, he has actually been starring at the clock on the opposite wall from where he sits

"I'm sure the docs will be out soon," Bailey tells them

"So what are you guys gonna do after this?" Amy asks them, trying change topics, "are you going to move back to Texas right away, or let Hyla's voice heal first-"

"If she even made it," Sheldon adds grimly

"Shelly," Bailey starts

"Yes?" He replies

"Shut up," she states with a smile, "Georgie, E, Hyla will be fine," she tells her them, "and ya know how I know?"

"..."they both just glance at her

"Cause she got a daddy that stubborn as hell," she starts to explain, "and a Mama as tough as nails, makin that girl one mighty force ta be reckoned with."

"..." Sheldon opens his mouth to say something

"If y'all make a Star Wars reference or say anything that could possibly get y'all punching in the nose," Bailey warns him, "then I ain't gonna stop it from happenin, so fur god sake Sheldon Lee Cooper y'all better think before ya speak."

"..." he closes his mouth and remains silent

"For a Hyla Constance Cooper," a nurse calls out and Sheldon, Amy, Bailey, Elvira and Georgie all stand, "who's the parents?"

"..." Sheldon, Amy and Bailey all take there seats

"How is she?" Georgie is the first to ask once they're over by the nurse

"Is my baby girl ok?" Elvira asks, the worry evident in her voice, "is she alive?"

"Hyla is just fine," the nurse tells them, "the surgery was a success, and in about one to two weeks she should be able to start speaking, her voice will probably be a little hoarse for about one to eight weeks and her throat may feel swollen for two to five days," she explains to them, "we'd like to keep her over night just to be safe-"

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