Baby Boom V: November 25, 2020

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Setting: John Sealy hospital in Galveston Texas; the waiting room, 5 am on above date...

     It had only been an hour ago when the call was put Of for everybody to meet Barry and Bailey at the hospital, a half hour ago that Bailey actually went into labor, and no one has heard a word about how things are going since. Everyone sits quietly and anxiously as they wait for news on whether everything went alright, or if she didn't make it; Mary is praying like she's never prayed before, while Georgie sits pulling on his hair and Elvira bits her nails in their fear. All the kids are gathered at the Sparks' house having one giant sleep over while being watched by Bobbi and Mr. Sparks; Sheldon and Amy flew out from California a week prior in anticipation for this day. The minutes pass by agonizingly slow and feel more like dreadfully long, drawn out hours of excruciating silent waiting...

"Why's it takin' so long!" Georgie mutters out in frustration

"It ain't takin' any shorter or longer than any other birth," Connie tells him, "ya just need ta try ta distract yerself."

"I'm sure they'll tell us somethin' soon," Elvira adds in sounding hopeful as she grabs onto his hand

"I hate hospitals," Sheldon says more to Amy

"I know Sheldon," she tells him

"Let's have our baby at home," he tells her

"Don't you think having it at the hospital is safer?" Amy asks him

"I had all of mine at home," Missy butts in

"No one asked you," Sheldon states to her

"Sheldon Lee Cooper, this is hardly the time ta be rude ta yer siblins' and startin' fights," Mary scolds him

"Y'all think Bay remember pep ta feed 'er cats before they left the house?" Missy asks and they all look at her weird, "What?"

"I fed 'em last night before I left their house," Elvira replies, "knew she'd furget."

"There's Berry!" Sheldon declares as the man indeed walks through the door dressed head to to in medical covering

"Well?" Connie asks as he come over to where they all are

"How is she?" Mary adds in, "is my baby alright?"

"She still alive?" Elvira asks almost fearful

"Doctows say she's going to be just fine," he tells them and they all sigh in relief

"Somethins' wrong," Georgie states, noticing the look on his brother in law's face, "What?"

"I'm not suwe," Barry admits with a sigh, "they aww came out heawthy; but Bay insists something isn't wight."

"..." everyone shares a look

"Can we go see 'er now?"  Missy asks quietly

"Yea," Barry tells them

     Its now nine in the morning as they all head to see Bay and the three new additions to their family tree; upon reaching the room they all hear Bailey softly singing 'soft kitty,' as she holds one of her daughters. She smiles up at them all as they near her hospital bed side...

"Say 'ello ta Anna Mae Kripke," she whispers to them with a small smile as it's little blue eyes take in the sight of all the new faces

"And who're these lil darlins?" Georgie asks as he gazes at the other two near by

"Louisa Marie Kripke, and Georgette Mary Kripke," she replies quietly as she glances over at the two sleeping babes

"Lets get a photo of y'all all tagether," Mary exclaims

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