First Impressions

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*It Only Takes A Moment: Hello Dolly!*

Setting: the next day from the last two chapters; the university where Sheldon and the guys work, an early morning meeting in the cafeteria...

"Where's Bay?" Leonard whispers to Sheldon as the university head talks

"..." Sheldon pulls out his phone, unlocks it, and clicks on an app

"You're tracking her?" Leonard whispers snaps after glancing over at the phone

"Yes Leonard, I'm tracking her," he tells him in a serious tone, "how else am I supposed to keep an eye on her?"

"By asking her in a text message like a normal person," Howard butts in

"She's standing outside the building," Sheldon tells them

"Please join me in welcoming the newest member of our faculties history department," the head of the university announces, "Ms. Erika Mage."

A beautiful brunette haired woman soon comes into view as the rest of the university staff welcome her with a round of applause; Sheldon's eyes go wide with shock, while Rajesh becomes entranced by her smile and feels as though they are the only two people in the room...

"What's wrong with you now?" Leonard asks Sheldon

"That's Georgie's ex-wife,"Sheldon replies still in shock

"Where's Raj going?" Howard asks as the rest of the faculty starts leaving

Rajesh makes his way over to Ms. Mage as she talks with the university head and the rest of the faculty leave to start their usual work day. He waits patiently for her and the head to finish speaking, she soon smiles as she shakes the heads hand and he soon leaves as well...

"Howdy," she says to Raj with a bright smile

"Hello," he states, "I am Rajesh Koothrappali, I am an astrophysicist."

"Erika Mage," she says shaking his hand, "and aren't y'all the fella that does the shows at the planetarium?"

"Yes, that's me," he says growing excited

"I loved the show yesterday," she tells him, "caught the last one-"

"Would you like to get a coffee sometime?" He asks her, "get to know each other better-"

"I-" she starts

"Gonna have to turn me down because you already have a husband," he cuts her of dejectedly upon now noticing the wedding ring

"I was," she starts, clearing her throat and crossing her arms, "had four kids too," she adds in, "but they're all dead-" she tells him quietly as she now eyes the floor, "ain't gotta a boyfriend," she continues, "I just been forgettin ta take my ring off."

"Oh," he starts, "then would you like to get that coffee sometime?"

"..." she stares at him for a moment, "good day Mr. Koothrappali."

"Nice try buddy," Howard tells him as she walks away

"I've found her," Raj declares as he watches her disappear from sight, "I've found my Shiksa goddess-"

"Isn't that what you said about what her name?" Howard asks laughing

"I don't know you wanna be going after her," Leonard adds in, "Sheldon just told us she's his brother's ex-wife."

"She just told me her husband died," Raj says with a confused look on his face

"Georgie was her first husband," Sheldon clarifies for them, "her second husband was murdered by her brother, along with her two kids and niece and nephew and then her brother killed himself," he explains to them, "she was the onl6 one to survive."

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