NERD FEST IX: Indiana Jones Marathon!

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Setting: October 31, 2020; Halloween...

"Y'all're lucky Georgie and E forced me ta take maternity leave," Bailey tells Sheldon and the guys through FaceTime, "and that I ain't got nothin' better ta do-"

"And that your doctor put you on bed rest," Sheldon chimes in from his end

"Shut up Shelly," she mutters as she readjusts herself in bed

"We all miss you here!" Leonard tells her as Sheldon sets up the first dvd

"Especially the girls," Howard adds in

"Aw, that's sweet fellas," she tells them with a tired smile, "I miss the lot of ya too."

"So how's Barry?" Raj asks her

"Good," she tells them, "I think the new work place is really startin' ta grow on 'im, 'e's at work now; Georgie sent E and their triplets over ta keep an eye on me, and help out with the boys-she ran ta the store real quick while the five lil rugrats are napin' and after she found out that my fat, pregnant self ate all the Halloween candy meant fur the tricker treaters durin' one of my cravins...What bout you fellas? How're all y'all and the girls?"

"Erika's trying to talk me into moving us back to India," Rajesh complains to her

"Well," Bailey sighs out, "try ta see it from 'er view point-Sheldon Lee Cooper, don't y'all even think of interrupting me ta say that the movie's ready-she ain't got any family left Raj," she goes on, "you, yer twins, and yer family," she tells him, "is all the family she's got, of course she's gonna wanna be closer ta 'em; ta 'ave a sense of safety and security-I mean, she lost literally everything she holds dear: the only grandparents she ever passed when she was a youngin,' 'er Mother  died when she was a teenager, father when she was a young adult and then 'er brother up and murdered literally both 'is and 'er's entire families. It's only natural she'd wanna be closer ta the big knitted family that y'all 'ave back in India compared ta it just bein' you, her and her twins out there in California."

"..." Raj remains quiet at this I analogy

"Anyway, how're things with the rest of y'all?" She Asks mainly directed to Howard and Leonard, "Shut it Shelly," she cuts him off before he could answer the question, "y'all don't need ya answer, I hear from ya almost everyday."

"Haley and Neil are getting really big," Howard tells her

"And how's Bernie?" She asks him

"...good," he says after a moment

"Leonard?" She Asks expectantly

"Fine," he replies dishearteningly

"Penny still don't want kids?" She asks him with a heavy sigh

"No," he replies unhappily, "that's not it."

"Then what's wrong?" She asks him

"She's pregnant," he says still unhappy, "and miserable."

"How did ya manage that?" She asks surprised, "what y'all furgot ta use a condemn and birth control or somethin?"

"No," he starts, "Yes, sort of," he continues getting all weird

"Which is it?" She asks confused

"She forgot to take the pill," he explains, "and the condemn broke-"

"..." she stares at him with an 'Are you serious' look on her face, "y'all do know that there are other ways ta prevent pregnancy-right?"

"..." he says nothing

"Like that tiny thingy Vanessa gave ta Wade in Deadpool 2 ta tell 'im they were open fur baby makin."

"..." no one on the other end in California said anything

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