Bahalla; Henry

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In the morning when we awoke on the boat the water shone brilliantly. I felt it gently hit the shore and sway before it disappeared from beneath me dropping us all into the water. It wasn't too deep for the boat, it had been able to float to shore. But we were all wet.

We all trudged out of the water. Most of the girls looked very angry. Seeing as they did not plan on being woken up soaked in water. We all got to the shore Alec looked like he fell bad and claimed that the 24 hours on the boat had been up.

We walked into town as we rug out our clothes and discussed what to do next. Alec wanted to go to the duchess here. He thought that was the best Idea. And Wallace wanted to go to the Military camp that Rosalind had escaped from. So. We split up. Alec, Moira, Pan, and Isabelle went to the Duke and Duchess. Myself, Wallace, Rosalind, Harrison, and Austerius went to the camp.

Rosalind led us almost across the Island. And we arrived at the edge of the camp and watched as everything looked out of order. Rosalind snuck away and returned dressed in her uniform and Harrison did the same, they had both been in the military. Wallace used a spell to make Rosalind look like Moira which started to throw me off.

Wallace used a spell on me as well and then we looked around the camp for some for Austerius to wear Rosalind and Wallace went into the camp I stayed with Austerius and Harrison while we waited for the two to return. They were gone for a while and returned carrying a small pile of clothes and handed them to her and she went and changed the same way Harrison and Rosalind had previously done.

When she returned Wallace said, "You stand out a bit too much," and picked up some mud and smeared it all over her face and hair, "If anyone asks about the mud say that you are ashamed of your family." Asturias giggled a little and we moved into the crowd of people.

Walking through everything seemed to be in chaos. Stopping one of the younger ones we asked what had happened. He said that the heads of the camp were gone. Wallace saw this as an opportunity. We took to the head of the camp, he made himself look like a high commander or such.

"Attention Recruits!" He called. "We know your leaders are gone, we have been sent from the mainland to deal with this, now I want Order!" He called to them his voice booming around the camp. Quickly the entire camp quieted the formed ranks and stood at attention.

"Who are the highest among you?" Austerius asked. Four boys stepped forward, they couldn't have been more than twenty. Ignoring this for a moment Wallace went on to introduce us.

"This is Lieutenant Rosebead," he said, gesturing to Moira- I mean Rosalind, who looked like Moira. "Lieutenant Applesauce" He said gesturing to Austerius and there were a lot of snickers and laughs that went through the crowd, this seemed to anger Wallace and Austerius. Wallace went on to say "Lieutenant Applesauce has crushed orc skulls between her legs and smashed troll eyes with her heels and eaten them for breakfast. Do you understand me Soldiers!" Wallace yelled at them. And they all seemed very afraid, though I could tell the rest of us were trying to stay composed. "And this is Lieutenant Haroldson," he said pointing to me.

I waited for him to Introduce the alias that he would give to Harrison. But he was not standing there with us, and as Wallace spoke I looked for him. I could see him standing there at attention. He seemed to have his own way of gaining information. And stayed amongst the other soldiers. Wallace had told his plan to the soldiers and they went to go do as they had been told. We took the four top soldiers.

Austerius cast a spell dropping a zone of truth on the four men/boys, but they knew nothing and spoke truthfully. Until the last question, "Have you noticed anything weird?" three of the four all replies with a no.

The last one spoke up with something interesting. "I think there is something strange going corruption of some sort it may have to do with the Duchess, or sometimes these men come in and speak to our leaders."

"Would you have told the truth without this spell?" Wallace asked him.

"Yes sir, it's my duty," the boy replied.

After that we let them go to do what they were told, they left me here and went to go find the duchess and most likely the rest of our group left me here and in charge. And why they wanted me in charge I don't know but they did.  

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