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It had been a week since the ball and the other things and we were planning a baby shower for Moira. It was small, we had cake and we all got some baby things for her, not clothes though, that was a surprise next week for her we were going to go out shopping and get baby clothes for her.

But I couldn't really focus as everyone laughed and drank tea and Moira opened her gifts that we gave her. I was too nervous for the meeting that I was to have soon. If anyone found out it would be bad. But Wallace said it would be a good idea to do this. So I was gonna do it.

The party broke off and everyone went off to bed and I had a hard time sleeping that night for I was meeting with Sam the next morning. I was nervous, I remembered how Alec felt when he left, the things Wallace said, and the way Sam crushed my crown. I got only a little sleep, I woke up early and slipped out of the room before Wallace woke.

I went to the Library and I set some books outside for Clerik, I knew he might be taking some more to my mother today as he did so I left some outside so we wouldn't be bothered. I went back in and I sat down.

It didn't take too long for Sam to show. I stood as he entered the room. I walked to the door and locked it behind him. "Have a seat," I gestured to the couches that faced each other in the middle of the room. He nodded and took a seat. I took one opposite him. "I know you do not see me as your Queen, and I know you see me as having no authority, I respect that, I would rather not be enemies but allies." I said to him.

"I do not see you as a queen because I am not sure you can handle the responsibilities, and storming a church?" He said referring to what Moira did.

"I did not do that! Moira did it all while I was asleep because she was fighting with Clerik, she did not know what she was doing, she's just a little out of it because of her pregnancy." I told him. He thought for a moment then said.

"You put your friends in charge of the towns pushing out old leadership, and some of those who should not be in charge," he looked upset "It is for me to judge whether or not you are fit to wear that crown," he finished.

"I know I am not a good leader," I looked down at my hands in my lap, "Some of them may have to be removed from their positions, like Gale, who I should have never given power, I needed people I knew and trusted so the cult could not infiltrate. The cities that they had cleansed of them," I told Sam. "I know you will never accept me as your Queen, but please accept me as an ally,"

"I have several conditions," he said I nodded for him to tell me what it was he wanted. "First I want Henry to come to Dragon's Mead immediately, so I can help him," Same said.

"I can't do that, Moira is going to have the baby soon." I told him.

"Send her too then," he countered.

"I cannot make her go, I will ask her if she would go, but I will not make her nor Henry leave, this is something I can not guarantee." I told him, so far I was not making an ally at all. He nodded as if in agreement.

"I want you to stay out of the way of the churches," he told me. "I want them to be able to make decisions how they see fit,"

"I go with Clerik and I help the churches," I told him. He let out a small laugh at my mention of Clerik. "I will not get in the way," I said and looked down in defeat.

"And you need a strong military, something to protect the cities, and your kingdom, your crownsguard are not nearly enough," he told me.

"Clerik and Rosalind have been working and training a stronger army," Sam let out a laugh at these words, "Well it was Cleriks idea and Rosalind has experience with such things, I thought it was working," I told him.

"I have enough troops to station some in each of the cities, I will send some ahead to Berryville to see if they can filter out the threat and I will have Serefine," he gestured towards the wall where a red Tiefling stepped forward she must have been hidden the whole time. "Stay here and watch over you all and make sure things are alright around the kingdom, you won't even know she is here," he told me I nodded to him and her.

"May I ask one thing of you before we make this agreement?" I asked.

"What do you ask?"

"I wish to be allies and to make amends, will you speak with Alec, make amends with not only me but him too?" I asked. He nodded and said he would so I went off to find Alec.

I told Alec and he seemed to be calm as we stood outside the Library door but I was sure there was no way that he could be. He went in and they spoke. "I was upset at seeing Henry's wings an inky black again and I overreacted to you defending him, I know you are a good person," Sam told him.

I hid my face in a book like I wasn't listening but I'm sure they knew I was. "I was having a rough time, I had just lost someone and I was just going through some stuff. I am better now," Alec told him.

The two men sat in silence for a while. "Does this mean we can be allies now?" I asked Sam.

"Yes, I suppose we can be," he said to me.

"Would you like to see Clerik?" I asked Sam before I left.

"Why not?" he said.

"I have some things to attend to. I will be leaving now, I'll send in Clerik," I said and left the room.

The first thing I did was ask Moira if she wanted to go to Dragons Mead while had time off and had the baby. She said she would think about it and then I left the room to attend to other things.  

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