Oh the feels.

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Life in the beginning had done nothing but take from him. However he was finally happy, he got back the spark he lost long ago, but once again life tried to take it away. There was a difference though, he was stronger, faster, braver and VERY PISSED OFF. He is determined to get back what is his, and not even death will shake his resolve to save the one he loves.


He's incredibly nervous that the cult has the two pregnant people, especially since he had just talked to Isabelle about this. He's also nervous that we lost our healer. He's a bit mad at Wallace for being so impulsive and that his plan was incredibly idiotic. He pretty much blames Wallace for the current situation. He's also internally panicking because he's pretty sure the dragon took his friends back to the place he grew up, which means he's gonna have to go back there too. He's also like totally fucked up from lack of sleep. To sum it up, he's incredibly nervous about the future and angry about the way things went down.


We arrived at the city. The wedding went as well as it could have for me. For all of them I feel. Alec needs to know when friendliness isn't so friendly. I just wanted to be alone. No living thing around. So i could be as alone in that space as i'd always felt i was. After that night I felt I needed a change. i had to get out of my own head. I changed my attire and my ascetic. Less games, more heroics. When we arrived at the city I flew up to get the lay of the land. I saw that the tower had only the dragon. No arrow slots or other to be seen traps. This looked to simply be a game of cat and mouse until I could escape with the princess. I took off at full speed flying over the streets. I nearly hit the tower before ascending and getting spotted by the dragon. The entire time i kept thinking how dumb this was and how terrible this plan was. Then I got clawed on the side by the dragon. I wobbled a bit through the air and slammed through the window. Once I was out of sight i invisibled myself. I lay still as the dragon looked in to see only broken glass and the princess who I just noticed. she was very beautiful in every way. though i lay still in fear, pain, and adoration. The dragon spoke to her in an unknown tongue. Then the dragon left and took to the air. I stood up and watched as it snatched some of my allies. Henry, Isabelle and Moira. Those three have some strong ties. A shame. I'm sure we'll get them back at some point but they really shouldn't have revealed themselves. I watched the dragon fly off with eagles giving chase. I turned around and introduced myself to this princess. She then screamed about someone speaking in her mind. So i yelled to Alec to stop. I told her i could get her out of here and she said yes. I told her that she would have to hold tight to me and we'll reach the bottom safely. She came close. Oh she smelled familiar. And her hair. Looking down at her, her dark wavy brought forth a name in my mind. Hosanna I helped her up onto the window sill and we stepped off. We fell quickly and when we neared the bottom i cast feather fall and we landed gently on the bottom. A crowd had gathered now and i looked out to them faint drop let's in my eyes.


Austerius, regarding the events of today, is in a mix of emotions that she doesn't know how to describe. All she wants to do curl up and hide because 3 of her close friends are gone and she doesn't know if they are safe or okay. She is scared, and feels hopeless. She is very emotional and wants to understand all that happened, because she is confused. One minute, she's walking into a bustling city that she's been very excited to visit, and the next, almost all of her friends aren't by her side at the stables and she doesn't know if any of them are safe. She is having a mental breakdown and is pouring out tears. But she must realize that there is no good use of crying over it. She must wipe her tears away and get up. Whether her friends are dead or alive, she must know, and she must rescue them, even if there is a chance that they may not be alive. She must summon as much courage as she can and rally the rest of the party that she can find to go out immediately and charge towards the dragon's direction. But still, she feels numb and heartbroken, and a part of her is still in doubt; "What if they're all dead? What if I can't do anything? Am I a worthy-enough friend to try to save my friends? I feel like I can't, and that all hope is completely lost." But she must rise to get her comrades back to the fight.


Ros is extremely angry at Wallace for almost killing alec, and for his actions at the tower. After all, his actions put moira, henry, and pan in danger. She is grateful that princess willow is safe, but is super preoccupied with saving her friends. Rosalind is also wary of the isabelle's fear of abandonment. What will she do if something happens to pan? Mainly she hopes that her military training will be of increased help to the group, and that someday, she'll be able to return home with Harrison to see her brother.


Gale feels like the wedding was a success at first other then not being able to pickpocket people and feels little sympathy for wallaces outburst since he almost killed gale. He feels bad that alec got struck by lightning and almost died. He also thinks that there was a better way to approach the dragon.


I'd like to thank all my players for writing these for me I feel like this is a really important thing. They need to be heard all of them. And the best way to get the real feelings of each character was to have it written by them. Things were so good but have gone drastically wrong. The hope lies on them and keeping it together as we draw to the close of our Story. 

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