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It took a lot of thinking. But I decided that I would go to Moira. I walked to her room and I knocked on the door. I heard crying. I knocked on the door, "Moira, it's me, can I come in? What's wrong?" I asked her. I heard what sounded sort of like a come in so I entered.

I found her on the ground crying, I noticed something I hadn't before. She was.... Pregnant? It wasn't important right now. I dropped to my knees and sort of hugged her. "What happened?" I asked her.

She took some deep breaths and said. "She's gone. It's Constance, she hung herself on some rope in the room. She left a note, she died,and she hated me, I didn't want her to die, she's one of the only people I care about. I can't look at her body, it's still in the room". She looked down and kept crying.

"Moira, I'm so sorry, Do you want me to do something?" I asked her.

"No," she said so brokenly. I didn't think I would ever see someone as strong as Moira fall like this. I felt so bad for the way I had treated Constance. "Tomorrow will make me feel much better," Moira finally said.

"Well that's what I came here to talk to you about, I was wondering if you wanted to plan," I asked.

"Sure it sounds good." She said to me. "What were you thinking?" she asked me and sat up a little looking at me.

"Well I was thinking maybe we would wear red, the color of his blood that will spill on the floor," I said. "I think I'd like to make a speech before you remove his head,"

"Shall we drag him naked through the halls? Embarrass him?" Moira asked me.

"That sounds great! He'll have what happened to Cain happen to him." I let out a small laugh as I thought of the embarrassment this would cause him. And I couldn't wait to expose him, figuratively and literally, in front of the entire court. "We should summon everyone to the throne room," I told her she nodded.

We headed to the throne room, I watched Vippy run and I hide. I didn't know he had been there. I sat on my fathers Throne and I motioned for Moira to join me and she seated herself upon my mothers.

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