A Daring Rescue

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Moira and Rosalind headed to the other part of town where the houses grew a bit smaller and the town was empty which was quite unusual. Moira walked the familiar streets where she grew up the bustle of the small goblin town no longer the same.

She walked all the way to the small house she remembered to be the one she sort of grew up in. She seemed to be worried seeing as there was no one around she knocked on the door of the small house.

There was an eyeball that peeked out and squinted through the curtains. It disappeared and the door opened up "Hurry Hurry inside" ushered a small gruff voice. And both Rosalind and Moira entered the darkened home quickly.

"Dash? What happened here?" Moira asked.

"And hello to you Moira," said the goblin sarcastically. "Don't know, can't go outside, we burn, pretty bad too," he said.

"Were you visited by Red Tieflings?" She asked him.

"Ah yes, them." Said Dash in recognition.

"You know them?" Rosalind chimed in.

"I do, and I don't much like them," he told the girls, "They came here one day and they wanted us to join them and be this little expendable army, this was only a few months ago too. And of course we denied them, we don't fight Moira you know that."

"Yeah I know," She said.

"Did they do this to you?" Rosalind asked them.

"We think so," said another small goblin voice from the back of the room.

"How do you think they did it?" Both girls asked at the same time.

"No idea," said Dash.

"Well we can try to see if we can help," Moira told him and quickly left the small house. Her and Rosalind looked through the small town and soon Alec and Clerik walked in and started in on the help.

"What are we doing here?" Alec asked.

"The goblins have been cursed and we are looking to see if we can break it," Moira said and as she said that she saw a glowing red rock that looked very similar to one she had seen before. She walked over to it and picked it up, she didn't touch it with her bare hands but picked it up with her dress covering her hand just in case.

Alec came and touched and said "It's good I'm pretty sure you can carry it," Moira carried it with her bare hands and headed to the magic shop to see if there was anything to help break the curse.

Entering the shop they saw that Austerius was already there wearing a Unicorn crown and talking to a little girl her father who must have been the shopkeep looked over them with a smile. She brought the glowing stone to him. "This has some sort of magic over a town, how do you stop the magic?" She asked.

"Hmmm," He picked up the rock and looked at it. "This actually looks quite simple magic, I believe it will most likely break if the stone is broken," he said. Moira picked up the rock and threw it on the ground and it did nothing.

"Let me try," Rosalind said, she picked up the rock and threw it hard against the floor again nothing. Austerius walked over picking up the rock and threw it too. The little girl came over following Austerius.

"That looks fun!" She said, "Can I try?" She asked.

"Of course sweetie," Moira said and the girl picked it up but it was very heavy for her and dropped it and it shattered. The girl started to cry.

"I'm sorry I broke it, I didn't mean to," She cried to them.

"Oh no sweetie, it's okay, that's what we wanted," Moira said. She handed the girl a platinum coin. "Thank you," she said and the little girl's eyes widened. Moira had never really been this kind especially to children. That may have had to do with her baby back home.

"Daddy look," she said and she gave the coin to her father. His eyes widened in surprise and he thanked Moira many times.

"Also do you have any paints? Like magic, maybe easy to clean ones?" She asked.

"Not easy to clean but kind of no mess?" The shopkeep said and took a box off the shelf. He set it down there were several vials of paint inside, "Anything painted with these basically becomes reality, paint a door you have a door, pretty much anything," he said.

"Oh that's interesting, may I take them?" She said to him.

"Of course, take them," he said and Moira grabbed the paints and all three ladies left the shop and headed to the Dukes for dinner. 

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