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I had been working on a contraption that Moira might like to use on the king when Alec knocked on the door. I ignored him. He came in anyway, pulling Clerik on a rope one of the Kobolds rode fluffy the other walked near Clerik.

"Henry, do you know what happened?" He asked me.

"I do. Now leave," I growled.

"You have to come, you can bring her back!" Alec insisted.

"I am not bringing her back," I said to him. I felt my rage boil on the inside.

"Henry, are you okay?" Alec asked as I turned back to my work.

"Fine," I replied.

"Henry, punch me, just punch me," Clerik said to me. This made me laugh, I whirled around swinging my fist into his stomach unfurling my wings. I caught him in the stomach and he groaned in pain.

"Now leave," I growled to both of them, and this time they did as they were told. They were gone not but five minutes when a servant came knocking on the door.

"Master Henry," the voice said.

"What now?" I roared, opening the door.

"I. Uh. The Princess and Mistress Moira request you in the throne room," they said and took off running down the hall. I put down the unfinished contraption and started up the stairs.

When I arrived I saw Moira and Willow seated on the thrones. "Now that everyone is here," Willow stood from her throne and spoke. "Tomorrow will be the execution of my father," she looked over each one of us, skipping Austerius though. "Moira, explain our plan if you will?"

Moira stayed seated and she started to speak, "We are going to strip the king and bring him out naked, Willow will make a badass speech and after I will slice the head from the king, and we will lock the queen in the tower, And then we will have Willows real coorintation, we will make her our queen, and I think that's all of it," Moira said looking at Willow.

"The dress code will be red, red like the color of blood that will be spilt," She said and Wallace and Alec started to magically change their clothes to red and fancy. "That's all, you're free to go," Willow said to us.

Austerius went up to her and they spoke without looking at each other. Before they took Moira and headed upstairs and Vippy appeared on her shoulder. I headed back down to the dungeons.

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