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Lucky is a new NPC. I hope you all like Lucky, I do, maybe not in this chapter but you will eventually. 

I sat outside the window as the sun rose. Her beautiful face glowed in the morning light. She was in bed with, that, thing. The way she laid I could tell she had been with him physically the night before. The blankets covered up to the center of her bare back she laid on him covering other parts of herself.

They had really messed her up hadn't they, my poor Rosie, her mind had been whipped clean. I had to get her back, I had left her clues about my presence and things she would remember. I had even set off that Wizards alarm on purpose so that she might wake up and remember me.

I stepped inside the window and the wizard sat up and was somehow magically dressed. Interesting. I'd have to find a way to do that. But that wasn't the goal, right now the goal was to get Rose back. She was to be my queen again.

He seemed to have noticed me even being invisible. He took out a staff and fired at me and I teleported out of the way. I left the room and heard her wake up and get dressed and ask what was going on. I hid in the rafters keeping invisible.

I saw a blue tiefling come running and I heard their voices inside. He left and the Wizard stayed alone in the room with Willow, I had to make her remember that she was Rose. I heard her speak softly to the Wizard and I watched as two Kobolds stood guard outside the door.

The Wizard left, I thought she was alone in the room now. I went in staying invisible. I saw the black Pseudo dragon sitting at the door. I quietly teleported through the door and dropped my invisibility. I put my hand on her mouth. "Rose, don't scream, I know you think you are Willow, you need to come with me I'll explain everything." I said.

She tried to mumble something into my hand and started to struggle. I got an elbow in the stomach. I made her fall asleep and she went lip in my arms. I brought her back to my kingdom. I left them a note though so they didn't fear.

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