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Willow made us leave so she could change. Be more princess-like she had said, that girl was a far cry from Princess-like. She came down the stairs and when she got down to all of us Vippy hopped onto her shoulder.

"Let's go," she said and started to storm down the street.

"How do we plan to murder the king," Moira whispered to Wallace.

"Wait." Clerik chimed in. "Murder? Isn't that a little harsh?" He asked. Willow heard him say that she seemed to grow agitated by this.

"He deserves it, I want to see his head roll," Willow said angrily. He started to argue with her. And that was a bad Idea. Because I watched as she pulled a whip out of the folds of her skirt. She came closer to him and almost stood nose to nose with him. "Don't fight me on this," she almost growled. And cracked the whip at her side.

Of course. Clerik was a good man and he wasn't going to give in and of course. The Princess whipped him. "Kinky" Gale said, which made us laugh. As Willow stormed off with a cheering Alec behind her.

Constance walked to Clerik and said "I'm sorry, she shouldn't have done that, that was rude of her." She must have had a vengeance towards Willow or something. Those two haven't gotten along since I first saw them. Then constance turned to Moira and said, "What the hell are you doing Moira?"

"None of you business" She replied.

"You son of a bitch are you friends with that ugly ass cow?" Constance asked. And she must have been referring to Willow.

"What's wrong with you right now? Are you sad cause willow got the dick and you didn't?" Moira said. Now that was some interesting news, that's why Willow and Wallace had been acting a little strange all morning. Moira went on. "Don't act surprised I saw the way you were looking at her, plus it's obvious do you see how her and Wallace were acting?"

"You know what Moira, fuck you. I hope your baby gets its head bit off." Constance yelled. I clenched my teeth, she was threatening my child. At this point Willow had led us through the streets, there was a fire burning in her that Moira must have set. This is the most determined I'd ever seen her. We moved through the city and into the castle. The two still argued.

"You know what? your the most jealous person I've ever met" Mora said to her sister.

"Jealous Jealous of who?" She questioned.

"Obviously me. You know I try so hard to be nice to you. We've been through so much together. I stood up for you!" Moira said. And I believed her. I knew she could be cruel and unwittingly so. But she wanted to make amends with her sister. Constance was just being a pain in the ass. She might be dead soon anyway, that's what will happen if she touches my baby.

"By killing the one person I loved!" Constance grew angry.

"He didn't love you Constance, he was using you. Cause guess what you're easy to use!" Moira told her. She sounded exasperated like they had had this argument before.

"Can you blame me? Your the one who sold me to a sex ring!" She yelled.

"I didn't do that to our parents, they lied to you," I could hear almost a pleading tone behind Moira's voice.

"Doesn't matter I hate you and I always will! I will find someone to love!" Constance yelled louder.

"Would you two shut up!" Willow yelled and cracked the whip between them.

"Fuck you!" Constance said to no one in particular. She huffed and walked over to stand on the other side of Clerik. Content that they had stopped Willow returned to facing her parents and continued her speech. 

Buying, Stealing, Flirting An Adventure of a lifetime.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu